Part 1

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"Alright, Nappa," Vegeta spoke, stretching as they approached their pods. "Time to get home." He smirked as he got into his pod, Nappa getting into pod as well. His fingers danced across the screen in front of him, typing in coordinates to Planet Vegeta.
"Invalid Coordinates." A robotic female's voice spoke.
"What?..." Vegeta muttered, confused. He typed in the coordinates over and over again, getting the same response.
"Where the hell is Planet Vegeta?!" He yelled towards the screen.
"Planet Vegeta no longer exists." The female spoke calmly.
"That's impossible!" Vegeta exclaimed. "Who could've possibly..." He froze as he realized. Frieza.
He struggled to hold back tears as he realized. His family, friends, everyone he loved was gone. All because of that goddamn Frieza. He slammed his fist against his armrest, biting his bottom lip until it bled as he cried.
"Prince Vegeta?" Nappa called to him through an intercom. "Are you ready to go?"
Vegeta only responded with muffled sobs. He tried to cover them up until he decided it was useless, letting his tears fall freely.
"Prince Vegeta..." Nappa said, caringly,"I'm so sorry. Your father-"
"Do not speak to me about my father!" He choked, his voice cracking. He glared at the intercom Nappa's voice came through before typing in different coordinates. "We're going now, Nappa!" He barked as his pod started to hover off the ground. Nappa sighed as his pod followed behind him.

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