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You: /sleeps/

Zelo: *Y/N ah~

You: Hmm. /slightly opens your eyes/

Zelo: Sweetie, wake up.

You: 5 minutes. /turns back/

Zelo: /lays beside you/ *Y/N sshi, if you don't wake up now, you won't be able the cute Junhong the whole day.

You: /no response/

Zelo: WAKE /kiss/ UP /kiss/ PLEASE /kiss/ I'M /kiss/ HUNGRY / kiss/

You: /opens your eyes and look at him/ I won't be able to see you the whole day? Wae Oppa?

Zelo: We need to go to the studio and practice today. /scratches his head and pout/

You: Yah don't pout.

Zelo: /pouts more/ WAE? /slowly goes closer to your face/ Am I that cute? Huh *Y/N? 

You: Aish! You said you're hungry right? Let's go downstairs!

Zelo: /carries you in bridal style/ GAJAAAA!

You: Yaaaaah! Be careful! HAHAHA!

B.A.P Short ImaginesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon