Merry Christmas

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This is the day where everyone wakes up early.Yes, that even means Johnny who would sleep in all day if we let him.

The Agents first gather into the dining quarters to get their Christmas breakfast.Johnny is either one of the first or the last to come in.Depends on when Agent Ponyboy wakes up and drags him along.

I didn't see Johnny.Or anybody.Or anything that morning.It was a typical morning but everything smelt and sounded and tasted and felt amazing af.
I grabbed my tray and hit the agent in front of me in the ass with it.I gave a wink from behind my dark glasses and Cherry turned around with a jump.

"DADDY!"She screamed and kissed my cheek.

"DAUGHTA!"I replied and she helped me get my plate ready.Hot cider or Hot cocoa or rainbow coffee?

Cherry was getting annoyed because she said it was a simple decision and I threatened to take away her Christmas cheese.She gasped and shut up immediately.
I decided on hot cocoa rather than my usuual rainbow coffee and I took a cinnamon roll with sprinkles.There was a candycane in my hot cocoa filling my nose with the scent of peppermint.

I sat down at the table next to Cherry and I twisted the peppermint candy around my cup."Why isn't my cane made out of peppermint so I could just lick the shit out of it?"I asked to Cherry.

"Why don't you got to CANES R US where all the blind people go?"Cherry asked me

"Bitch don't tell me how to live my life."I snapped.
Cherry smiled because she absolutely adored my sass and she takes after me.
"Are we the only ones here?"I didn't smell the scent of those dreadful filthy piece of shits called people.Except for Dean.I liked Dean.Dean was bad ass fuck and he was the father of 99292929297392395784969498696006859606058 of my children.

Cherry nodded and I turned my head in her general direction."I CAN'T FUCKING SEE YOU NODDING!"She giggled and said "Yeah.No one else is up quite yet."

As soon as she said that the scent of butter and grapes and rainbows increased.In came Ponyboy Curtis with Johnny Cade in his arms.You could hear the tired groans from Johnny.


Ponyboy caressed his face and carried him to the food."I'll get your butter babe."

I snickered and debated throwing my candycane in Johnny's hair but decided not.Merry Christmas Johnny.

Everyone was always nicer on Christmas.Even Wusendy.

Pony got himself grapes and hot cider and hot cocoa.He got Johnny his butter and hot cider and hot cocoa.He grabbed pancakes for the both of them and one cinnamon roll to split.Johnny was now slung over Pony's shoulder so Ponyboy could carry the tray easier. They sat down whispering disgusting love shit in eachothers ears.

Cherry and I gagged because she could see this and and I could hear all of it.Even the whispers.

More agents started filing in and Cherry left to go sit with Tris.Dean and Gus sat by me.Gus held up some mistletoe and you could almost hear his smirk.Next thing I knew the three of us all took turns making out.We all tasted like Christmas.
The agents made a pact that there would be no full on kissing freely until you were kissed atleast once under the mistletoe.

Daniel sat with Tris and Cherry and he held Cherry's hand.He better make me some goddamn grandkids or I will kick him out of the fucking agency because I can and no one will stop me.None of the agents ever said you couldn't make love freely.That means I can have a normal day and make moar kids but a little more festive.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2015 ⏰

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