Ariel has her ways

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We made it into a weird room with a bridge. I started to walk but mark grabbed me by my tail. Out of nowhere my middle school friend zach came out of nowhere. He had a us marine youtuber behind him. Since mark grabbed my tail. (A tail is latched on be permanently) I was in pain so Josiah grabbed the empty flash drive and yelled.. inhale the memes exhale the memes insert the memes into my blood stream. I thought that was one of the most stupidest things ive ever heard. He crammed it in zach. I punched josiah square in the nose. I helped zach up. The song spooky scary skeletons remix. I found out the youtuber zach was with was fail army. Ariel blared her annoying voice over a loud speaker. She said enjoy these. Skeletons came out of nowhere. We started to take action.

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