The enemy or the new boy? (Narry fanfic)

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I waked up, all i could see was Niall sleeping. He was so adorable. I didn't want to wake him up, but when i was about to get out of bed, i heard his voice saying

"goodmorning Lively" his morning voice said.

Yes my name is Lively, i really dont like it, but it's ok... Niall always says that it's perfect, but i dont know. Ok, back to reality. Niall kept smiling at me, he always does that. I started to giggle. Me and Niall are not together, we have known eachother since forever and we are kind of sex-buddies. I know, i know that it's a bad idea becuse we might get feelings for eachother, but to be honest i could never have feelings for him. Not becuse he's ugly or anything, but he is just Niall. I looked back at him but he wasn't there anymore.


I went in to his bathroom (we where at his place) and there he stood, styling his hair, it went really just right up (his hair). I went in to the shower and let the water get warmer and warmer. When i opened my eyes i saw Niall coming in to the shower.

"To save some water," he said.

I started to giggle becuse i new that Niall really gives a shit in 'savning water'. Oh, i forgot to tell you that me and Niall hate eachother, yes we've known eachother since forever, but that dosn't mean that we are friends, we are enemies. So at school we dont speak, we dont even look at eachother. But by night we bang eachother. It's really much drama in this, but even if i hate him i can't lie. He is the best looking guy in school, and he is really good to have sex. But no one knows about becuse he is like the most popular guy in school and i'm well, me. I have friends and stuff but no one thinks i'm attractive. So when Niall wanted us to be sex-buddies i was really, really surprised.


Well this was kind of the intro, i know it's really short, but the next chapters will be longer. So hope you guys like it and i will try to update soon!

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