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Disclaimer: Please. No way is this mine, except the plot mwaha.


Throughout time and universe there has been many worlds, with many different creatures. Out of all these species humans are the most stupid and are the last of everything, what they are exploring now has already been explored by the other creatures. The most intelligent and respected are the angels however not every creature respect the angles and the main creature to have lost all respect is the demon race, all the other races have no idea what went down between the angels and demons so they stay out of their way.

Centuries passed and the battle between demons and angels continued. As demons started infiltrating the angel world, they slowly realised just how cruel the head angels could be to their kin. You wouldn't believe how many fallen angels there were on planet Earth in the human world, after seeing and hearing all this the demons left and declared war on the archangels and only them, the rest of the angel race had nothing to do with this declaration it was just between the higher ranking of the races.

During the war the Shinigami's took the Demon's side as they are basically brothers to each other. The Shinigami world and the Demon world centuries ago were two different worlds but as time grew so did the gap between the two races. Shinigami's the beautiful creature's half-human, half- angel and demon mixture started becoming a brotherhood to the demons. Some inter-married, some moved to the demon world. Soon the demon world was both races together and that is what it is. Demons are accepting and open to anything and everything, most creatures find them intimidating but that is only because that is all they have heard.

Many lives were lost, blood was shed. Both sides kept going, the demons wanted to teach the

Angels something and the angels just wanted a reason to fight, they put on the façade of being perfect, charming and beautiful but under that mask they are terrible, greedy, self-centred and horrible creatures. Three years later the war ended in a disagreement from the angels but the demons wanted to stop fighting there and then so they retreated however the angels weren't so convinced.

The angels thought that the demons would be back however it was the other way round, the demons expected the angels to keep the war up and they did but the demons never retaliated, no they did nothing which angered the angels even more. Years passed and the angels realised there was no reason to continue this petty battle, even though the war between demons and angels was over the hate both races hold for each other lasted and is still lasting for centuries, will all that change? Or will a second war begin?

So like Comment and stuff. Yeah, Peace.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2015 ⏰

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