Blood Skull by DanGil

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Shh! Be quiet! It can hear everything you say! Now, I want you to come here, very slowly, yes just like that! Now, sit down, but not suddenly! There we go! The creature can be watching us! We never know… We call it the Blood Skull, because it only reveals its bloody red skull, by tearing off its own face, when it is about to kill somebody. That’s right. Anyone of us could be the creature.

                It got Sam last night. She had just entered the room to watch some TV, the Blood Skull forced her to play its demonic game of cat and mouse. Sam never stood a chance. The creature had been inside Raveesha, who had gotten up to turn out the lights. That was when I had noticed it was her. The Skull doesn’t like the light; it’s too easy for people to see it.

                We had to kill Raveesha. It was the only way we could temporarily get rid of the skull. But that, of course, is only temporary. The creature, whenever its human body is killed, always finds a new host, sooner or later.  

                Personally, I hope it’s later.

                Go ahead; try to leave if you want. I won’t stop you! The skull, on the other hand, will stop you. Nobody can leave this room. It plays tricks on your mind, and whatever you see happening will become real on your body.

                You must be quite smart if you’re sitting back down. You must know who the Skull has taken possession of. Don’t worry, they’re already dead. The only way to be free from the skull is to die.

                Watch everybody. Look for strange movements; look for strange behaviour. See Gerome looking at the light switch? Could he be the Skull? Or maybe Laura? Look at the way she’s watching you, don’t you see it? Perhaps she’s pegged you as being her next victim, or worse, her next host.

                The Skull did that once. It jumped straight from body to body, without actually killing anyone but its host. At that time, we had been stuck in here for a week. We were starving. Josh, a fool who had never been a part of this cruel game, had entered the room with a loaf of bread and a twenty-four pack of beers. The skull had gotten him right out of the door. It had been Donnie that time. He’s lying dead right now. We have nowhere to move the bodies. Donnie had gotten out of his seat, and shook Josh hand. Then Donnie’s face slid off, revealing his skull, and a bloody red mass leapt off of it and onto Josh, who we shot then and there.

                It was the first time that the Skull had shown itself where we were all watching. We now understood how dangerous it was to be close together. Before you so stupidly showed up, there were only five of us left! One of us would’ve gotten the chance to live; spread this disease of madness once again. But no. You came, and had to ruin it for us.

                Don’t worry, it’s fine! We’ll all be fine!

                Who am I trying to kid? Myself, or you? It honestly doesn’t matter to me, and it shouldn’t matter to you either.

                So, who could it be? We’ve ruled out Laura, who is sitting next to you, and Gerome, who is busy watching the lights. That leaves Turk and Michael. Turk is huddled in the corner right now, begging for freedom. That means that it can’t be her. The Skull never shows any sign of fear. We can rule her out right now!

                Or can we? Can we be absolutely certain that she isn’t just waiting for the lights to go out and our eyes to close? Can we be certain that, once we’re all asleep, she won’t just get up, and kill one of us>

                We thought of that. Somebody takes a watch, and stays up all night. That way, the person most likely to die is them, or they might see who is killing. And, if they didn’t see who did the killing, it was most likely the watcher.

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