I Love To Hate You [ButThatDoesn'tMeanILoveYou] {Draco.Malfoy} 1 (DELETED STORY)

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IMPORTANT: I've decided I'll be deleting this story and its sequel relatively soon. This story was written ~18 or 19 years ago (first posted to Quizilla in like 2004 i think? Yes it's that old) and is full of things I no longer stand by (use of certain words, etc) and I honestly don't want it up anymore, but I also don't have the time to edit these things out nor do I really feel like it since I would have to change the entire thing. I wouldn't make a current character of mine behave this way so I've decided not to leave this up under my name. I realize a lot of people are still reading/enjoying this story, so I'm going to give it a bit longer to let any current readers (or anyone who wants to re-read it one last time) finish before it's taken down. As of right now I'm planning to remove it on December 1st, 2022, but if I have a lot of requests to leave it longer so readers can finish in time then I might give it a couple extra weeks. It's been a fun run, hopefully you guys won't miss Harley too much! :)

(Update as of December 2nd, 2022: I couldn't bring myself to delete this story in its entirety, so I've unpublished the majority of it but chapter 1 will stay up <3)



I sighed and looked at my sister. I had been trying all morning to convince her not to be so damn nervous, but my patience was running out. "What now, Alexis?" I put on my best calm face. Only for my little sister was I ever so patient. Anyone else would take what they got and be happy with it, but I always had a soft spot for her. Also, I knew changing schools would be tough for her. I wasn't worried about myself but she was as shy as they came, and she had so many problems at our last school.

"I.." She stopped walking and let her trunk float behind her for a moment before it gently dropped from midair. "What if no one here likes me again?" She questioned. I couldn't help but feel my impatience melting away.

"Don't worry, if anyone's mean to you again they'll have to deal with me." I slung my arm around my fourteen year old sister and grinned at her. "Reputations aren't that hard to rebuild, especially when you're me." I bragged. She gave me a hopeful smile and her trunk picked itself up once again. We continued our way to board the train.

"Guys, wait up!" 

I rolled my eyes at my best friend's slow pace and stopped to wait for her. She was muggle born, and had convinced her parents to let her move with us so she could attend Hogwarts with my sister and I. She had always wanted to go here. I had been content in America, but whatever. As long I wasn't being forced to separate from her or Alexis I wasn't complaining. She finally caught up with us and stopped to catch her breath.

"Seriously, Delilah? If you would stop searching every single corner for Harry Potter as we walked--"


A hand clamped over my mouth and I licked it, earning a grossed out squeal from Delilah. I laughed but she only glared at me. "Don't talk so loud, he might hear you." She hissed, peering into people's faces as they passed. I gave her a look that clearly stated she was on crack and started walking again. Alexis giggled and followed me, and Delilah reluctantly stopped staring down random strangers and fell into place beside us. I couldn't help but be a bit excited to start my first year at Hogwarts, even if I was coming in as a sixth year. I was born and raised in California, but my mom had recently been hired at the Ministry of Magic as a journalist, so here I was. The only place in Europe I had ever been was France to visit my dad's side of the family, so this was definitely something new.

"Harley, hurry up. The train's about to leave."

I looked up to see Alexis already on the train and Delilah standing half on and half off, waiting for me to stop daydreaming and join them. I smiled and made my way onto the train beside her. We walked in silence until we found an empty compartment and sat. Alexis waved her wand and all three of our trunks drifted up to the overhead compartment. She sat opposite of me, looking out the window thoughtfully. I looked to Delilah to see her staring out the window as well, but with so much excitement it was nearly radiating off of her. The train lurched to a start and we were on our way. I watched platform nine and three quarters fade into the distance.

I Love To Hate You [ButThatDoesn'tMeanILoveYou] {Draco.Malfoy}Where stories live. Discover now