Our Story ( Part 1 )

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It was perfect. It was the bracelette that went through everything she did. His smile, his laugh, his stupid jokes, their little fights over dumb things, her tears, everything. That bracelette went through a lot, but the girl wearing it went through even more. Him making her feel special, her heart beating out of her chest, her laughter, the kiss, the heartbreak, and even worse, the memories he left behind for her. She lost her love, her life, her reason to wake up in the morning and reason to smile. She felt so happy when they were together, like nobody can understand happy. Really happy, unknown to the world happy. You will never understand how happy this girl was until you find the love of your life, and then have it crash down and burn into a million pieces. Do you know how I know this? Because, that girl, is me. If only there was SOMEBODY that felt the way I did, nobody knows what it felt like. I want somebody to know what it is like, but I could never put this feeling on the Devil. Sometimes I just regret everything that I have done. Being with him was the worst mistake I've ever made. I set the bracelette on my dresser and walked away from it, hoping to forget it was there, for a while. I know it's completely impossible to forget about it forever. Tyler Plore, the love of my life. At least, I thought he was. The bracelette he gave me on our second Valentine's day together, had a tear drop that was a shiny baby blue, and was on a silver chain. It fit my wrist perfectly. I never took it off until the night we parted away. He told me so many things that I thought were true. I believed them too, he said the teardrop on the bracelette stood for my tear that will one day be dropped into the ocean, and when it is found, will be the day he stops loving me. I flipped through the yearbook from last year. I was on the yearbook comittee, and put a picture of Tyler and I on nearly every page. The first picture I saw of us was when I was on his back. I was smiling and leaning over kissing his cheek, he was also smiling and holding my hand. We looked so cute. We were in the hallway, I remember that day clearly. It was after lunch, and he told me that he had plans for that weekend. We went on a trip to the lake Up North that his grandparent's owned. It was the perfect weekend! I miss it so much, why did it have to end. I miss those nights where we would just lay in the grass at night and just look at the stars, and try to find the big dipper. I opened a yearbook from two years ago. I flipped through the pages until I found the right one, the one with Tyler's class picture on it. We were in ninth grade, Freshmans. The last time I looked at that picture was two years ago, the day I got my yearbook.

2 years earlier...

"Oh, my, god. My picture frkiking SUCKS this year!" My friend Jamie dropped her jaw. "My first year in high-school, and I can't even take a good picture! What is wrong with me?" She looked over to me, I shrugged.

"Jamie, you look fine! Calm down..." I laughed at her, she was so obsessed with being perfect. I turned the page of our new yearbook. The pages smelled so new, like getting brand new crayons. The first person on the page, Tyler Plore. I looked him over, and I think Jamie noticed.

"Ooh, looks like Tara has a crush!" She joked. I think she could see through my eyes that I thought he was cute.

"Who, what?" I asked. The whole class went silent and looked my way. All I could hear was Jamie laughing, she is such a dork. I turned around, I could feel that my face was completely red, like a STRAWBERRY! Yeah, a STRAWBERRY! Do you know how red a strawberry is? Very.

"JAMIE!" I whispered.

"Ha, ha, ha," She fake laughed and turned around and looked me in the eyes, "Sorry bro," The class went back to normal. Even Mrs. Inder was looking when everyone else was. I feel like a nerd. Wow. Jamie's still my bestfriend, ever since kindergarden when I decided to give her half of my peanut-butter and jelly sandwhich. Only because she went to the bathroom and when she came back outside to the picnic table, her sandwhich was gone ( I think a squierall stole it ).

"Hey, look who finally got here," Jamie elbowed me, Tyler walked in late. I'm sure he had a good reason!

"Sorry I'm late Mrs. Inder, my alarm didn't go off at the right time," He looked over at me and smiled with his cute face. He is adorable.

"That is fine Mr. Plore, here is your yearbook," He grabbed the book out of our teacher's hand and thanked her. He joined a group of his buddies and they were looking over their yearbooks too. All of the girls in my class were going up to Tyler and asking him to sign their yearbooks. I wanted to ask him, but I didn't want to sound like a weirdo, I just wanted him to come over here and just sign it. I knew that wasn't going to happen. I wasn't as nearly pretty as any other girl in my class.

"You better make it long, I saved a whole page for you!" Jamie exclaimed as I picked out a bright green sparkly pen from my bag to write her a note in. I decided to write it in the front of the book so everybody has to pass it. I pretty much told her all of the things we will be doing over the summer, and how much I love her. Tyler kept glancing at me, I saw him out of the corner of my eye. His friends were all like "Go on dude," or "Stop being a woss," They all were pressuring him to do something, it seemed suspicious. I would die if he asked me out.

"Jamie! I'm done, where is my book?" I asked her, she took it to write me something in it.

"Oh, it's right here," She picked up the book that every other person in this room had. I handed her her's, and she gave me mine back.

"Thanks!" I smiled at her. I figured I will read the note later, I don't want to read them all until I get home anyways. We were all signing everyone's yearbooks, it was almost the end of the year, in two weeks, exactly. I was talking to Jamie, when I turned around and bumped into someone.

"Oh, sorry," It was Tyler, he bumped into me, well, I guess I sort of knocked into him.

"Your fine," I smiled. He looked over to his friends and they all gave him a thumbs up, or a smile.

"Uh, Tara, can I sign your yearbook?" I laughed, and handed him the same book Jamie handed me.

"Sure, and yours?" I asked, he gave me his. I wrote

Hey:) it's Tara! HAGS! Had a fun year, talk more? -Kipps

I hope it wasn't too girly. I think it was okay. Tyler handed me mine and I did the same for him.

"I, uh, wrote my number in there, text me sometime?" He blushed.

"Sure," I giggled. He was just so cute.

All of his friends laughed and gave him a high five when he made his way back to them, boys are so stupid. I bet that was a dare...

The bell rang, and Jamie and I made our way to second period. I was at my locker, and Farrah came up to me. I'm not really friends with her, she's kind of on the weird side, so we don't talk much.

"Um, I think I have your yearbook," My heart sunk.

No way. Tyler wrote his number in my yearbook, I just had it? Farrah handed me the book and I opened the cover and sure enough, it said my name. I checked the one I had, and it was Farrah's. Great. I didn't want to hurt her feelings and try to get Tyler's number out, like he wrote it for me, even though he did.

"Well, good thing you caught up with me!" I lied. It wouldn't be so bad keeping hers, they are all the same.

"Yeah!" She smiled and walked away to her locker. Lucky duck. She has Tyler's number now. I slammed my locker and looked at Jamie in disappointment. Now, I will never be able to talk to Tyler. Ever. Wow.

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