"It all began a year ago today..."

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A late party, a final bash before we all go our separate ways., to different colleges, cities, just one final get together to celebrate our graduation.

My heels clicked against the tiles of the long entry way of Jake Cordova's parents massive mansion, my wavy auburn locks fell loosely down my shoulders, covering my large breasts, my bold red, strapless cocktail dress was starting to feel a little too tight, and my feet hurt from all the dancing. I was cold, tired, and ready to go home. It was almost one in the morning. However, my friend, and ride home, Mia Caraway, was too busy making out with Jake in the corner of the room, to drive me home.

"Mia, I wanna go home. My feet hurt, I'm tired, I need to start packing my things tomorrow if I'm gonna be able to move to my house by Tuesday." Of course, Mia wasn't listening. She pulled away from Jake and whispered.

"We'll go in a few minutes I promise." Then added. "I'm about to bed the richest guy in school, can't you just give me a break? I'll be outside later."

"I've been giving you breaks. Since we were twelve." I said crossing my arms. And... she wasn't listening. Again. "You know what? Whatever. I'll walk myself home. AGAIN." I took one last look at Mia and Jake before turning around and walking out the open patio door to the backyard. The rock music that was playing and the smell of fresh burgers hot off the grill welcomed me outside and I took a deep breath in. This is gonna be another long walk. I jumped over the wooden fence and made my way back home.

I was fourteen years old when mom and daddy divorced. It was my first year of high school and my parents were shipping me back and forth between apartments every three days. It destroyed me. I was no longer the happy, peppy girl I was in middle school. Instead I grew to be depressed, shy, and I shut people out. All except one. There was a senior boy at my school that I used to lean on for moral support. I forgot his name after time... something Chandler. He was a little intimidating for a fourteen year old me. Three years older, 6'1 compared to my tiny stature of 5'3. He was extremely buff too, looked like a sports guy, even though he was more about the academics. He would have been scary to any other freshman. Except me. Somehow, I felt safe with him. He graduated the next year, when I started living with my dad full time, and I never saw him again. I had always wondered what become of him. Maybe he was married. A baby on the way. Maybe he's still in college....

It started to rain as I walked down the alleyway to the entrance to my fathers apartment. My stomach twisted in to knots as I walked. I knew this wasn't safe. No woman in a dress and shoes like mine should walk down an alley way at this time of night. That action right there screams murder waiting to happen. But I trecked on. Going all the way around would require me staying out here longer. And there was no way I was risking that. I'm already soaked enough.

As I walked down the alley... I started to hear footsteps behind me. They weren't mine echoing. They couldn't be... it wasn't clicking like my high heels would. But every single time I turned around, nobody was there. My stomach was in knots by this point, a tingle went down my spine... goosebumps developed on my skin.... I sped up, walking fast before breaking in to a run. I almost made it to the door, but suddenly, I stepped in a hole, my heel breaking and I fell to the ground unconscious.

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