"After a few weeks, I started to feel sick..."

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(Hey guys sorry for the short chapters, I've had really bad writers block but I think I figured it out)

I was nauseous, tired, my feet hurt, my back hurt. I just didn't feel healthy at all. When Seth came in to my room early one morning he didn't bring what I thought he'd bring. He had a box of tampons.

"I figured it would be about time you... got it." He said as he placed the box on my nightstand for me. "I've had you here for about two months. You haven't gotten your period once. I'm worried." I looked down at my knees and sighed. He was right. And I was feeling bloated. I took the box from him and slowly read the back of the box, trying to make sure my timing was right. Oh...shit. I looked up at Seth.

"I'm late..." I said, just realizing It for the very first time. I was late. Seth...and I.... we did....we... did the nasty. We did the do. "Seth I need you too... buy something for me..." I didn't even have to tell him what it was. He stood up and left the room, shutting the door, leaving me alone with my thoughts. I stood up and paced around.

No...not me. I'm not going to be that kind of a victim. They'll charge him with much more. They'll charge him with rape! They'll charge him with so much more than what's at hand!

Where did this concern for Seth come from? I don't remember. But what I do remember is suddenly having some feelings... feelings other than the natural hatred, for the guy. My hand rested on my stomach as I eventually sat back down. I pulled my knees to my chest, and tried the breathing exercises my old volleyball coach taught me. In through the nose, out through the mouth, in through the nose, out through the mouth. In... out... in... out... in... out...

My heart was beating out of my chest, my stomach had never felt more twisted and bloated in my life. I knew what was going on. I knew it was real. I knew I was... I just... didn't want it to be true. I couldn't handle it. I slammed my fist on the wall, hearing a crack, and I screamed retracting it from the wall. What else could possibly go wrong? I stood back up, starting to pace again. I had never EVER been this nervous about something before in my life. I looked down at the floor and curled my toes in the soft, plush, white carpet. Maybe this won't be so bad...having a baby here. Maybe then Seth will treat me better. I'll be able to leave the house... maybe... maybe he might let me go.

Did I want to go? Honestly, at that point I didn't know. I just didn't want this. I didn't want to be kept in a room by a caged animal. I was practically going insane! Did Seth really think he could keep me here for long and have me be calm, cool and collected? I was going freaking stir crazy.

He came back about an hour later with the test, handing it over to me. I couldn't tell whether or not he was generally concerned. His actions said he was, but behind those deep brown eyes... there was no emotion. I slowly backed in to the bathroom and prepared myself for the next ten minutes. I ran my fingers through my auburn hair as I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked like a mess. My hair was all in knots, my slight tan I had developed over the first month was completely gone, my skin was pale, pasty, and starting to peel from sunburns. I looked like a freak. I sighed and slowly opened up the box, tears literally streaming down my face, here we go. Pregnant at seventeen.

I squatted on the toilet, carefully holding the test under me. I've never had to do this before... but I've helped Mia take one before. I've SEEN her take one before. What are best friends for, right?

But with Mia... hers always came up negative... with me... I'm just not sure...

I stood up once I finished and placed the test on the counter, washing my hands and looking down at the sink. I knew the result. There was no way I was missing my period for anything else. I was always a healthy woman. We had no history of cancer or anything on either side of the family... we were all extremely healthy.

The wait killed me. My stomach was in knots, my hands were trembling. I paced back and forth in the bathroom, counting down the seconds until the result would come up. When it was time I wasn't even sure if I wanted to look. I knew what it was. I knew it was positive. But.... what if.... by some miracle...

I looked at the test, lifting it up from the counter, tears rolling down my cheeks, my hands trembling. I couldn't do it. I couldn't handle it...it couldn't be true....

I was in fact, pregnant...

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