Gem Story Thing

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"My gem is gone! My real one!"

"Mine too!"

"Who could've stolen them?!"

"What if they plan on destroying them and killing us all!"

"And how did they know which one was our real one?!"

"Everybody, calm down!" I said loudly, trying to get everyone's attention. It worked. Everyone stared at me, momentarily distracted from their panicking.

I was panicking too, though I didn't show it. Why shouldn't I panic? Someone just stole my real gem, the gem that is bonded to me and will cause me to die if it gets destroyed, along with the real gems of everyone in the city.

We all had two gems that we get as a present at birth, normally on an article of clothing. My two were on either side of my amulet, but you could get them on a shirt, a jacket, headphones, ect. Rarely the gems are on two separate pieces of clothing. One gem is real, and will cause you to die of it gets destroyed and one is fake, causing a warning to be sent to the real gem if destroyed. Only the owner of the gems can tell the difference.

We had no idea how or why we had the gems, but we eventually stopped questioning it and began working on protecting our gems. But somehow, someone had stolen the real gems, and only the real gems, from everyone in the city. And now everyone was panicking.

"I have a plan!" I announced. I saw hope come to most of their eyes.

"What is it?" somebody asked.

"My friends and I will find whoever stole our gems and take them back!" I said. "We'll find them in three to five days!"

"Sky, are you crazy?!" Seto exclaimed as the crowd started cheering. "We can't do that! We're a bunch of teenagers! Well, you aren't, but the rest of us are!"

"So?" I said. "I'm sure we can do this! It'll be a piece of cake!"

"Actually, no, it won't." Raye said. "I'm going to have to agree with Seto on this. We'll probably die."

"Oh, you guys are such downers." Tyler said. "We'll do this."

"Yeah!" Bodil exclaimed, and then he laughed.

"Well, we have no choice now." Swift said. We all stopped to hear the crowd chanting.

"Sky! Sky! Sky! Sky! Sky! Sky!"

"Uh..." I said. Maybe this was actually a bad idea.

"Well, come on doofus." Ty said, grabbing my arm and pulling me off the stage. "You told everyone we'll do it, now we have to."

"Hopefully we do die." Simon muttered as he and the others followed me and Ty. "It would be a reason for why we don't get the gems."

"Or maybe we could go into hiding!" Lara suggested. Simon stared at her for a few seconds, a 'really?' look on his face.

"Dying would be the better option." he said finally, turning away from her.

A/N: Second story idea! You guys are probably going to get spammed, because I have a lot. Anyway, this excerpt is shorter than the last, but I think this still covers a lot about what this story will be about. Anyway, list of characters:

SkyDoesMinecraft (
deadlox (
AleatoRaye (Aleatoraye )
SwiftKhaos (SwiftKhaos )
TaxeyCab (TaxeyCab )
LaraTheDoge/TheAnimatingDoge (LaraTheDoge )
Bodil40 (
Baki The Snowman (
SimonHDS90 (
MunchingBrotato (

I might add more, I dunno. If you want to see other Youtubers, comment them and I might do them!

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