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( future death. )

   AT JASPER'S INSISTENCE, SHADOW was more than eager to agree

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  AT JASPER'S INSISTENCE, SHADOW was more than eager to agree.

She rose quickly from the couch, only to stop short and collapse back into it as her knees gave way beneath her. Her head was swimming and the Swan girl groaned as a headache nestled itself between her temples. She hadn't realized how drained she felt.

  It seemed to be a reoccurring theme after her screaming fits and she often wondered if it was a side effect. Though, she quickly deduced that it probably wasn't. It had only started happening recently and the best explanation was stress.

  It wasn't like running around the forest was helping her case, either.

  However, going home and resting wasn't an option. There were more important things at hand and Shadow knew better than to let them wait. It seemed crazy for a mere figment of sleepless imagination to be so important. But Shadow couldn't help but feel as if there were something more to her dream.

  There was something about it that kept nagging at her— and if there was one thing that Shadow was beginning to understand, it was that ignoring something that bothered her was hardly ever a good idea. Especially where it concerned her and the supernatural world.

  Once Shadow felt more composed, she looked over to Jasper with a sheepish expression. "Not exactly the smartest choice, huh?"

  Jasper gave a smile. "You might've went at it a little too fast," he agreed, reaching out and offering his hand for her to take.

Shadow gladly accepted the help, not exactly keen on the idea of falling. She opened her mouth to say something more, but found herself closing it as she caught Jasper's expression. The solemn look on his face worried her.

He didn't appear to notice her prying eyes as he pondered something. But, before Shadow could question him on it, she found herself being lifted gently off her feet. Shadow made a sound of surprise as she was then carried bridal-style towards the stairs.

Her face was bright red and she was angry with herself. Mostly for not fighting back. "I have legs, you know, and I would feel a lot more dignified if you would let me walk on them."

  "Are you sure you're okay to walk?" For as much as he tried to keep his facade genuine, Shadow could see the small tug at the corner of his lips. Clearly he found amusement in their current situation.

  Shadow reached out to pat his chest, "God didn't give me two feet and a heart-beat for nothing."

  "Yeah, well those two feet don't seem to be doing so well, so I think I'll be the judge of that." His reply was quick and Shadow couldn't help but smile at his accent.

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