Chapter 2:What's To be Done With A Genius?

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Albert liked elementry school.The teachers were kind and patient.They tried their best to answer Albert's questions.But things changed when Albert turned ten.That's when he started High school. It was an awful experiance.
Once,when Albert's asked the school principal what profession his son consider,the principal said"It doesn't matter. Albert wilk never make a sucess of himself anything."The German high school was very strict. The students had to wear uniforms. They had to march like souldiers from one class to the next. And soukdiers made Albert nervous. In the classrooms,everyone had to sit very straight at all times. Teachers yelled out orders. Students jumped to attention. Questions were not allowed. Albert was expected to read and memorize. He was not expected to think. Albert was stunned. This wasn't his style. Albert called his teachers "seargents" because how they treated the students.
Math was his favorite subject because you couldn't just memorize math problems----you had to think them through. At home his uncle made up difficult algebra problems for Albert. Algebra is math that involves equations,and for Albert it was like solving a puzzle. Albert was also given a book that he used to teach himself geometry. Geometry is math that involves shapes---squares,cubes,circles,and spheres----and for Albert it was like playing with blocks. Meanwhile,other boys in his class were still struggling with multiplying and dividing,and Albert was being punished for asking too many questions. Albert never really fit in with the other boys at school. He wasn't interested in sports,and the classes were boring.

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