Chapter One: The Hunters

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"Alright listen up people!" Captain Ross exclaimed.

"Just 5 minutes ago we got a priority one alert on one of the S class predators that keeps evading us. The higher ups wants us to take him alive. So far the only thing we do know is that this particular S class vampire is a sneaky one and will try to evade the fight, but don't let that fool you for we have came close to capturing him once before and he killed an entire regiment of Hunters without hesitation. That ladies and gentleman was ten years ago."

"Man can you believe this crap. They want us to capture something that killed an entire regiment! We must be expendable or something to the higher ups"

"Hey shut up man I'm trying to get all the Intel I can so I won't be this guys next meal"

"We will be engaging in a tight area of Boston so make sure to follow protocol. Dismissed"

As the hunters prepare for what will be bloodshed, a recruit by the name Chloe O'Neill is approached by Captain Ross on the way to the helicopters waiting to take them to her first mission.

"You are Chloe O'Neill is that correct ?"

"yes sir that is correct." Chloe said surprised

"Good I have a task for you during this mission your about to embark."

"what can I possibly do for you sir, I'm just a recruit ?"

"That's exactly why I need you, you are to go ahead of the group locate the priority one Target and get him to fall for you!" Captain Ross ordered

"I..I'm sorry sir, but what? I don't think I could I'm not exactly a model for cover girl." Chloe said profusely

"Oh but of course your long raven black hair, intense blue eyes, and your choice of perfume, you are a perfect candidate for this mission." Captain Ross said with certainty

"I.....I'll try me best sir"

And with a salute, Chloe was off on a mission she knew was impossible.

"Sir may I ask you something?" Asked Charlie head of security

"Go ahead" said Ross

"If we do somehow by some miracle capture this vampire...we don't have anyway of containing him"

"That's true Charlie, that's why I need the cadet to make him fall for he wouldn't want to leave her side such she will be at ours!" Ross said to Charlie in a tone which made it clear that it was not to be discussed again to anyone.

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