Chapter 11: The Rescue

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As I was running with all I had, I realized something was following me. I don't know what could keep up with me, but it was fast. I thought at first maybe it was Sera, its possible that she could run as fast as me, but I knew when another vampire was around. Whatever was following me was not a vampire. It stayed back so I wouldn't notice it. But I did so I just keep running so that it wouldn't think I was on to it.

I came to an area where there were bodies hanging upside down from the trees like a warning. They were the guys in Chloe's group. I looked at their wounds to see how the died. Their wounds were consistent of those killed by ghouls. But then I saw a body not to far from the site I was at. I went over to it. It was a female, I could tell by.....the long black hair. She was facing the ground so I couldn't tell for sure if it don't think like that, Chloe couldn't be dead. I bent over to inspect the body. Claw marks, deep bite marks, I turned her wasn't Chloe, but this girl wasn't killed by a ghoul. It looked as if she was killed by a diffrent creature.

I heard a twig snap somewhere to my right. I looked and in some bushes, I saw bright yellow eyes. This was the thing following me. Could it be the thing that killed this girl? No, it was following me this whole time. Another twig snapped this time to my left. Another pair of yellow eyes. So there were more than one. I did the only thing I could do with an unknown adversary. I jumped as high as I could, landing on a pine tree's branch. Then I started jumping tree to tree. Toward the helicopter. Hopefully that's were Chloe would be. I couldn't help but think if something were to happen to her.

I got to the tree just in sight of the helicopter, and saw a sight that made me want to kill something. Chloe was tied to a tree and the other survivor was unbuttoning her shirt. Chloe was thrashing around. I swear I heard the guy laughing. I jumped from the tree and landed on the helicopter. "Get your hands off of her NOW." I said fangs out and ready to kill. "Oh playing the hero now are you." He grabbed Chloe and forced her between me and me next victim. "I was hoping you would be a little later, so you could see what I was going to do to her." He licked her on her neck. "I said..." I jumped down from the helicopter. "...let her go." I was going to charge him but he pulled a gun and put it to Chloe's head. "I don't think you full understand that I make the threats, not you." I was so angry I rushed him faster than you could blink.I took the gun, grabbed him, pushed him against a tree fifty feet from Chloe, and I crushed the gun in my hand. "I think I can make plenty of threats, but this I promise, what I'm going to do, is going to hurt, a lot.

I then began to tear him limb from limb, starting with what he was going to violate Chloe with. I then shoved it down his throat, and began ripping off his arms, legs, and finally, his head. After I threw away what remained of him, I heard Chloe scream. So I ran in front of her, putting my self between her, and the ghouls. "Who is your master." I asked the ghouls. "Their mine" Sera said as she walked out the forest. "Call" I said ready to fight if I must. Sera then called them to her side. There must have been ten to twenty ghouls. "Thank you Sera, for providing a distraction for me."
"I didn't do it for you, I know why your here. Your here to kill me." She said with some distaste in her voice. "No, I never planned on doing what they wanted." I looked at her ghouls some more. There eyes were red and black. "Can someone cut me down?" Chloe said with tears falling down her face. I turned to her and she seemed a little relieved that I was here. I cut her down, and she hugged me, really tight. "What took you so long?" Chloe asked. "I'm sorry.....traffic was really bad." I said trying to put a smile on her sad face. She hugged me tighter, outing her head to my chest, crying. "It's okay..." I then remembered the creatures."Sera, did you notice other creatures in these woods." I asked. "Now that I think about it, I did feel like something was watching me from a distance." Then a noise that pierced the air, like...a howl.

This was an old enemy, that would begin, an old war.

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