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The seat made a squeaking noise as I adjusted my position to get comfortable. I had recently moved to a new town that I heard about constantly. It was something about this place that made every lonely guy here a total star with the ladies.

The smell of coffee and alchohol drifted through the café and tickled my sense of smell. A light ambience from people on dates or friends talking filled the café and soothed my ears.

I felt nervous when the girl walked up to me. She wore a bright red dress and had light brown hair. The green of her eyes completely fought against the color of her hair as she looked at me.

"What will you be having?" She asked politely. Her voice struck me as slightly childish or immature. I gawked at her as she leaned down to get a better look at me.

"You okay?" She waved a hand in front of my face.

"Sorry, your eyes are just..." I didn't realize that I was speaking as I stared hypnotically into the bright green. "I could stare at them all day." I complimented.

The waitress leaned back with pink cheeks as she took a confident stance.

"Wow. You're pretty good. Popular with the ladies?" She asked, she used her fingers to brush her hair behind her ear.

"Not really." I replied. The waitress asked me what I would be having again and I asked for a coffee. Watching birds outside of the café window, it wasn't long before she returned with a large cup of coffee.

"So tell me about yourself." She said, sitting down. She leaned over and let her chin rest in her hand. At that moment, she looked really cute.

"I'm not from here, just moved in today actually." I started, "I'm 21, but I'm pretty average. I'm not currently working, but my dad's in construction so I'm counting on him for right now. I wasn't able to snag a girlfriend during my last year of highschool, and I've been single ever since. My name is John." Hearing me describe myself sounded pretty weird, but it was all true.

"My name is Kyu. I'm not from here either, but I've been here for a few years now. I work here whenever I'm available, so I can take a day off whenever I feel like it. I'm about your age you could say, but I can't exactly tell you that quite yet."

'That's weird...' I thought. 'Why won't she tell me how old she is?'

"So what do you like to do?" I asked her. She seemed like a nice girl, so I wanted to get to know her better.

"I like the park here." Kyu said with a smile. It seemed like I was asking the right questions. Kyu talked for a bit more and I finished my coffee before she had to get back to work. I was a little sad when she left, but it wasn't too bad.

I ordered another coffee and drank that one too before I decided to leave. Looking around, I saw Kyu cleaning a table. I wanted to ask her a question before I left.

"Kyu..." I felt a little awkward about what I was going to ask.

"Yeah?" She said as she stood up straight.

"Will you be here tomorrow?" My voice nearly cracked because of how nervous I was, but luckily it didn't.

"No I won't be. Don't worry though, we'll be seeing each other very soon. I promise." Kyu winked and walked off to the back, leaving me standing there with a red face.

I walked down the hill to the small grocery store to get some things for this week. In the store, all I thought about was what Kyu had said. My mind replayed her voice over and over as I purchased the groceries I wanted and headed back outside.

A light breeze had started and a sweet smell drifted through the air. I heard a dog bark to my left as my bags made small wrinkle sounds and such.

Walking inside, I opened the fridge and placed all of my contents into it. After warming up something to eat, I sat down at the small table I had set up earlier and thought about nothing in particular.

Kyu popped into my mind again. There was just something unique about her, but I couldn't put my finger on it. After finishing my meal, I went into my living room to set up the rest of the furniture.

When I finished, it was around sunset, I I decided to check on my room.

Since I hadn't used it yet, the room should have been completely clean. What I noticed on my bed was odd.

A large lump under the covers sat on the top portion of my bed.

'That's weird...' I thought as I stared at it.

If I didn't use the bed yet, then that meant it had to be something I left on it earlier.

I guessed it was a pillow or a balled up blanket I probably threw on there.

I walked up to the bed slowly before I heard a sound. It was quiet, so I couldn't tell what it was. I assumed it might have been a mouse or something.

I accidently kicked over the trash can on the way over, so I cleaned up the small amount of trash and put it back.

Then I thought I saw the covers move. I gulped, thinking that maybe there was something under there. However, I dismissed this thought after I thought that I locked the door before I left.

I walked over to the bed after reassuring myself that I just imagined it.

Grabbing the covers, I slowly pulled them down to see what was underneath. My heart pounded loudly as I felt myself about to sweat.

I looked to see if it was a pillow or a blanket, but it was neither.

I was completely wrong.

A Love Fairy's Charm (A Huniepop Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now