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"Yo!" Kyu yelled, running out of my room and right up to me.

"Uh, yeah?" I asked, leaning back as to not get too close. Kyu's eyes were filled with excitement as she began to speak.

"I got an idea for how you can get a girl!" Kyu moved her hands from side to side as she kept yelling. It was hurting my ears.

"Cool the energy, will ya?" I gently placed my hand on her forehead and pushed it away. "How do you suppose I do that?"

"The park." Kyu spoke with a now childish voice, probably product of me telling her to calm down.

"It's so early...." I looked out the window into the bright colors of the sunrise.

"Exactly! The early bird gets the worm an I right? Or in this case, a girlfriend!" Kyu grabbed my hand and started pulling me around my apartment. My face completely red the entire time, she patted down my hair and even chose clothes for me to wear.

"Let's go!" Kyu seemed oddly happy as she skipped around in front of me on the way to the park. She told me that I was the only person that could see her, so I was filled with feelings of relief.

We walked to the park in the sunrise orange. The sky reflected a delicate shade of purple, but only slightly. Most people were going to work or getting breakfast.

Kyu and I arrived at the park in no time at all and, like she said, there were girls everywhere.

None of them really caught my eye until...

She was sitting on a bench but not not doing anything. Her hair elegant in the breeze as it absorbed the colors around her. The wind picked up and blew her hair behind her and I caught a glimpse of her eyes.

My heart throbbed in my chest for a moment.

"Woah! You want that, don't ya?" Kyu said, skipping around in front of me with an evil look.

"Uh huh." I gulped as Kyu started to push me forward.

"Go get her! Let's see what you can do." I stumbled about halfway there before closing the distance between myself and the bench.

"Hi, enjoying the view?" I asked.

'How am I so calm?' As I wondered this, I looked over the girl to see Kyu giving me a thumbs up.

"I am. I love to come out here first thing in the morning, it feels so... alive." The girl returned her gaze to the park.

"Mind if I join you?" Standing there waiting for a response, my heart started to pick up its pace again.

"Not at all, in fact, I'd enjoy the company." My heart returned to normal at the sight of her smile.

"It really is nice." My eyes were frozen on the glow of the park around us. Then they went back to her.

"Yeah.... I can never get enough of it." I smiled as I reached a hand out to introduce myself.

"My name is John, nice to meet you." She reached her hand out and shook mine.

"I'm Ashley, and likewise." Her hand was incredibly soft as we both froze for a second. I happened to notice a light shade of pink on her cheeks as she stared at me.

"I-I'm sorry..." She smiled as she looked away, blushing.

"It's okay." I was still calm, assuming it was Kyu's magic, I kept going.

"You seem like a nice girl." Ashley looked back over and smiled.

"You think so?" I nodded and she looked back down again. She bit her lip and I thought I heard a small giggle.

"Oh look at the time!" Ashley jumped up, looking at a watch on her wrist. "I have to go, meet here again tomorrow, same time okay?" She put her hands behind her back as she leaned down, awaiting a reply.

"Sure thing." Ashley smiled and started to run off, turning to wave as she did. I waved back and then, I stayed at the park.

"Nice job! Damn, you nailed it!" Kyu vaulted the side of the bench and slammed down next to me.

"I guess I did. Thanks for the back-up though, I really needed it." Kyu shot a thumbs up directly in front of my face.

"No problem!" I lowered her hand slowly with an annoyed expression. Kyu giggled and sat quietly, gently humming a tune I didn't recognize.

The tune was quite soothing, and I was actually enjoying it. Looking over at Kyu, I saw the bright sunlight fight her vibrant pink hair. Her eyes completely merged with the now light orange that filled the sky.

My heart gave a single solid pound as she turned to look at me.

"What?" Unable to move, I could only stutter a response.

"N-N-Nothing." Kyu stood up and stretched.

"Back to the apartment!" She sang happily.

"What for?" I questioned. Kyu grabbed my hand and, looking over her shoulder, winked at me.

"I've got some stuff to teach you!" The way she said it was suggestive.

"Gah!" She started to yank me back. About halfway there, I jerked my hand out of her grip, forcing her to slow down.

She compensated by skipping around and occasionally flying for brief moments. Watching the fairy before me felt strange...

I couldn't quite breath right as I watched her in front of me. My heart felt wobbly as my walking speed started to slow down.

"What are you stopping for?" Kyu waved a hand to tell me to start walking again.

Smiling for no reason, I nodded and continued to walk again. Kyu continued to skip around and, whislt watching, my chest felt strained.

As if someone were pulling my chest forward, I could feel a strong pull directly in the center of the chest.

In a way, it was painful, but I also enjoyed it. It felt natural, like something important.

My heart pulled, but I didn't know what it meant.

Not yet.

A Love Fairy's Charm (A Huniepop Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now