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Me and Emily venture through the beach looking for lava to trap creepers when they come in the 4th layer. While me and Emily was looking for lava, 4 untamed

wolves jumped in front of us. We tame 2 wolves for both of us and brought the 2 other wolves home for Matt and Marie. When we went back to the house Matt

was so worried about us because it was getting late. 'We have a surprise for both of you!' Emily says happily 'is it Diamonds!?!?' Marie asks curiously 'No it's a

wolf for both of you' Emily says 'Yay! I shall name my wolf Max!' Matt says happily 'I'll name my wolf Squidy!' Marie shouts. With Matt all healed we go to bed

early to wake up very very early to mine and discover something new in the mines. We get up 2 A.M in the morning to mine. 'Matt get up. let's go.' Matt stands up

and gear up for mining. Ant goes with a full iron and efficiency pickaxe. 'where'd you get the enchanting table? Me and Emily Got it from the blacksmith while he

was sleeping.' Ant says 'uh................ok' where's the enchanting room? Matt asks 'over there' Ant says. When Matt enchants his Pick he gets unbreaking II and

Efficiency III With him having 5 levels left. 'Wow! your very lucky with what enchantment you got.' Ant says 'thx. I had 14 levels. that's why.' Matt says. Ant and

Matt goes down to the mines with proper gear. When they we're digging down they landed on a Cow Spawner. cows start spawning and mooing. 'Ant hold it don't

kill them! that's are food spawner' Matt screams at Ant 'I know. that's why we've got efficiency right?' Ant says 'oh yeah! Ok you can kill the cows now.' Matt

says to Ant. 'My Pleasure!!!' Ant says 'chop chop chop chop chop!!!!!!! DIE DIE DIE DIE stupid Cows DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE!!!!!!' Ant says when killing cows. 'Ok I'm

done. Do your thing.' Matt destroys the spawner and gets back up to the surface. When they returned to the house they placed the spawner in the fenced mob

trap. When they place it down it became a beautiful pig spawner. Ant and Matt went up stairs to shower. When they got up they saw Marie looking for someone

'What's wrong?' Ant asks Marie 'Emily is gone! I can't find her anywhere.' to be continued......................

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