Chapt. Two

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Blake walked out the the empty class room, holding her side and walking slowly as she struggled to breathe right. Ruby was walking down the hall and noticed so the ran up to her injuries team mate."Blake, what happened to you?" she asked, holding her upright."Ah..i-it was nothing. I'm fine." she lied as a tear streamed down her cheek.

Ruby helped Blake to the infirmary and layed her down on the bed. The nurse instructed her to take off her shirt so she could check the damage."Blake, please tell me what happened to you." Ruby pleaded. Blake closed her eyes momentarily before sighing."I was t-talking to Yang," she began but decided not to worry her too much."I slipped and fell in the class room we were in and fell on my side."

Ruby gasped and hugged Blake, but not as tight as she'd normally hug her."I've never heard of anyone falling and fracturing their rib cage, Miss Belladonna. Are you sure nothing else happened that I should know about?" said the nurse. Blake shook her head, earning a sigh.

"Alright. Well, stay off of your left side for a while. I don't think you should go on any missions for a while, either." the nurse instructs."But-"

"No, ma'am. Stay in bed and heal that bone. If you're moving around too much, it won't heal properly and it'll only get worse. Stay. In. Bed."

Blake huffs, knowing being in bed all the time won't get her anywhere in her search.

Ruby helps her to their dorm and helps to her into her bed without the pain. She fluffs her pillow, pulls the covers and gives her a book since she loves reading.

Outside, Yang stands in front of the school, sitting on the edge of the cliff and looking at the stars in the sky."Mom, I know you're out there. You were always an amazing Huntress. I know you're not dead, and I will find you." she said, looking out at the city below.

"Miss Xiaolong?" I hear a voice behind me. I don't bother turning but I answer anyway."It's bed time. What are you doing out here?" Asked professor Ozpin."Keeping myself from punching a whole in Blake's face." I growled."Now, I know you wouldn't hurt your own team mate."

"If she was an insensitive jerk to me, then yes I would!"

"Now, now. Calm yourself and tell me what happened." he said, sitting next to me."I was talking to Blake and giving her very useful advice. And then she yelled at me."

"What did Miss Belladonna say?" he asks."She said that my mom was dead somewhere."

"Oh dear."

"So, I attacked her to the floor and tried to punch her in the face but I kept missing and hitting the floor." I continued, rolling my eyes."Is that why the floor of Mr. Oolbeck's class room looks so horrible?"

"Y-yes sir." I sighed."Miss, Xiaolong, I think you should hear what Blake has to say if it was just an accident."

"With all do respect sir," I begin."No."

"Well, at least keep my words in mind. They may help along the way." he says and leaves. I sighed and get up too to head back to the room.

[*] Ruby [*]

Finally, Yang can back to our room and I jumped up and hugged her."You okay, sis?" I ask. However, she doesn't answer me. She just stares over at Blake, a nasty glare at that. Her eyes were red and she clenched her fists tightly. I took a step back to be safe and Weiss sat up in her bed.

"Is she okay?" she asks me."I'm not so sure." I answer, looking between the two girls. Blake has a look of fear on her face as she stares back at Yang. Yang suddenly takes a step forward and my heart beats faster.

She walks up to the bed and looks at Blake again.

[*] Blake [*]

I lie in my bed, scared for my life as Yang nears me and glares angrily."Blake," she begins."Yang, I'm-"

"Shut up." she snaps, closing her eyes."Why'd you say it?" she asked."I-I didn't mean to." I stuttered, shaking with fear."Don't lie to me. I'm already pissed."

"I promise, item slipped out."

"How the fuck does something like that slip out!" she yelled at me, making me jump. I feel pain in my side again."I-I don't know! I didn't mean to say it."

"You're a damn lie." she said."Yang, calm down-" Ruby said, trying to pull her sister away from me."Let go." Yang yanked her arm away and climbed onto her bed above me.

"Blake, what happe-"

"Ruby, leave it alone." Yang demanded."I'm only-"

"Leave. It. Alone."

Ruby gave me a hug and backed away to climb on her bed above Weiss."Blake," I heard a whisper. I looked over, seeing Weiss with her head slightly above her pillow."Are you okay?" she asked.

I avoided eye contact, looking at the bottom of the bed above me."I'm fine. Just go to sleep." I replied lowly. She turned off the lamp and the only light left came from the moon outside the window.

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