The Game of Temptation ~22~

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Hey guys!

So, yeah, this was fast, right? I'm almost scared to finish this because I know exactly what's happening in the NEXT chapter, and I know some of you are going to be like "F THIS! I'M DONE!"... I know this one is kinda.. bleh... but.. I wrote it in 3 hours during classes and... yeah.

I loved your responses to Care's POV! I'm serious, I was terrified I'd screwed her thing up, but you guys loved it! And also, the ending to this chapter.. Hopefully you like that too:)

Anyway, feel free to enjoy this one:P


Chapter Twenty-Two


The day after Valentine's Day, Izzy yelled at me. Was it so wrong that I'd yelled back? So I missed a couple of calls, she had too! What did she want from me, perfection? That was us, or me.

At least, that's what I'd been telling myself all day today. It was Monday, and I'd skipped classes because I couldn't stop replaying the fight in my head.

I saw the door opening and Chloe poked her head around the corner. "Hey, where were you all day? I didn't see you around campus," she said, walking in without even asking, as she always did.

I shrugged. "Took a day off. It's been a rough couple of days."

She frowned and sat on the edge of my bed. "What happened?"

I sighed, really looking at my best friend. She was so worried for me, and these days I was just as worried. "Izzy happened. We had our worst fight yet," I told her.

"What happened?" Chloe insisted, and I knew I'd have to tell her everything.

"Well, I really pissed her off on Saturday by not being there. Apparently I was supposed to know the brownies were laced. Also, it seems neither of us trust the other anymore, and I think she's more distant than ever," I summarized. Chloe bit her lip, as though trying to figure out how to tell me what she thought. "Just spill," I said, hoping she'd help me out.

Chloe nodded, understanding I wanted the truth no matter what right now. "I think your girlfriend's a bitch. She calls you only to yell at you, even knowing she's done so much worse. You don't deserve her, Alex. Not anymore."

I glared. "She was calling to apologize, Chlo."

"So what? She had no right to get mad at you."

I shrugged. "Yeah, she did. A little, anyway. I promised her a date, and I didn't deliver because I was high. Other than that," I added before Chloe got mad, "she didn't. I don't get it, Chlo. Am I supposed to not be with her? All the signs in the universe are telling me we're not compatible anymore. Should I just give up now?" I asked, sadly. I wasn't ready to end things with Izzy, but nothing was going right for us these days.

"No, let her be the one to end it. You can fight for her still," Chloe said, and I shook my head.

I sat up, aware that I was only wearing boxers under the bedsheets. "No, I can't. I've lost, Chlo. It's just a matter of how long I have before she breaks up with me."

Chloe groaned, standing up. "It's no secret I don't like her, but it is not over, Alex! Stop being so sad and fight for her if you love her so much!"

My mouth fell open. She'd never yelled at me like that before.

I nodded. "Okay..."

Chloe sighed. "I'm just tired of all of this drama you two have. But if you think she's worth it, then fine. Fight. Call her and win her over." She let out a heavy breath, and I found myself smiling.

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