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Sean opened his eyes, realizing he wasn't outside. He was in a room, and it looked like a bedroom through his blurry vision. Sitting up in a bed, his eyes cleared up, noticing he was in a room, as if nothing bad happened. A window looking out to the woods, walls that weren't falling apart or anything, and a bed that wasn't ripped apart. He noticed his door had a little window towards the top for people to look through, but before he wanted to do that, he noticed he wasn't alone, seeing someone sitting in a chair across from the bed, wearing their red plaid shirt, looking at him with a smirk.

A smirk he recognized anywhere. His eyes widened, not believing anything he's seeing right in front of him.

"Hey Sean." Mark said, standing up.

Sean rapidly blinked, rubbing his eyes, thinking he was dreaming, but when he still saw him, he was still there, laughing softly.

"You're not dreaming..this is real." Mark said. "Also uhh..sorry about knocking you guys upside the head, it's just a caution thing, I guess for me."

"Y-You..I-I..I killed you!" Sean exclaimed. "You're supposed to be dead!"

"I know I am." He said. " I am. I don't even know how I'm back. All I remember is you firing the gun, then waking up in a field alone..nobody was near me."

Sean slowly walked up to him, just staring at him. He still thought he was dreaming, even when Mark said he wasn't.

So he slapped him in the face, but not very hard, just enough for Mark to react. His hand stung a little, and when his friend looked back at him, he raised an eyebrow.

"What was that for?"

Sean didn't reply, just suddenly hugged him tightly, feeling happy tears sting the backs of his eyes. Mark immediately returned the favor.

"Holy shit, it really is you." Sean said, pulling away a few seconds later. "Oh my god I...I can't believe this!"

Mark smiled. "Yeah, I can't either." He glanced out the door. "We should go check on the girls. Don't worry, their rooms are next door to yours. Lily's being the closest one."

He lead the way out, showing them where their rooms are. They went to Lily's first, her room the exact same thing. Opening the door, she was sitting in her bed when she looked up at them.

She jumped up when she saw Mark. "Are you--"

He shook his head. "I'm real."

She had that look as if she didn't believe it, but Sean nodded once to her.

"He's real..I checked." He said.

Lily ran up to him, throwing her arms around him, almost knocking him off of his feet. She also felt complete relief go through her, knowing her best friend was alive now. How, she didn't care. Pulling away, she looked around.

"Where are we?"

"You're in a safe place." Mark said. "100% zombie-proofed. It's an old power plant, but it's still got heat for fall and winter."

"What about electricity?" Sean asked.

"I found a generator. Which reminds me, I should go start that up again." He gestured to the door a few feet away from them. "Jackie's in there. If she's not awake, try and wake her up. If you can't, no big deal."

They nodded, Sean taking Lily's hand as they went over to her room. Knocking on the door, Lily opened it up. They saw Jackie staring out the window, turning to face them when she saw their reflection.

"What's going on here? What is this place?" Jackie asked.

"We're in an old power plant, apparently." Sean said. "But it's 100% zombie-proofed and it has power, just need to turn on the generator every now and again."

They heard footsteps from behind them, and they all looked to face Bridget.

"Am I dreaming, or is your friend really alive?" She asked.

"I thought it was a dream too." Lily said. "'s not."

"Wait, who are you talking about?" Jackie asked, just as someone came up behind them.

"They're talking about me." Mark said.

Her eyes widened, just like everyone else's reaction to when they first saw him. Not questioning it, she ran to him, catching her in his arms, spinning her around. She felt a big smile on her face, happy tears running down her face, not letting go of him for nearly a minute. The others couldn't help but smile with her.

"So, now what?" Bridget asked when they finally drew away from each other.

Mark shrugged. "Well, considering you guys have been constantly moving for who knows how long, we can just relax for a couple days, as long as nothing happens."

"Well, didn't you say this place was safe?" Lily asked.

"Yeah, I did." He said, suddenly thinking of something else. "Why don't we find something to eat. I managed to find a bunch of canned stuff, but it's better than nothing."

They all started following him when Bridget asked, "Is there any water around here?"

Mark nodded. "There is, actually. Which is kinda surprising."

"Thank god I'm thirsty!" Sean said. They suddenly heard a radio going off, hearing someone talk, making them freeze in their tracks except Mark.

"Relax, it's just a radio I snagged from a dead soldier." He said, taking it out of his pocket. They all gathered around it, hearing soldiers talking through it.

They're all fucking dead! Every last one of them on the third floor!

How in the world is that possible? They were heavily armed!

I don't know, man! I think it was those group of people!

A different voice came through, their guess the sergeant. Damn right, it was them! I want all of you to go out and search for those motherfuckers! And I want you to fucking shoot them until they're dead! We won't stop moving until we find them! Go now!

Everyone felt scared, knowing that now the entire army of soldiers are now on their ass, not going to stop until they find them, and kill them dead.

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