22. Party Girl (part 2)

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I stared at Logan in confusion. I didn't know why he was talking to me.

Yeah, this may have been his house and his party, but he hated me, right?

I mean, he avoided me and ignored me when I spoke to him. So why was he talking to me now?

I just couldn't trust it.

"What do you want?" I said in a low scowl, looking down at my still empty red solo cup.

He chuckled and grabbed a bottle of tequila off of the counter next to me.

He touched the bottle to the tip of my cup and filled it halfway.

Too much.

"I want to spend time with a friend. Isn't that obvious?" He peered up at me and smiled sadly.

"Last time I checked, 'friends' don't avoid each other like the plague." I took a sip from the cup and felt the warm liquid burn down my throat.

Logan shuffled uncomfortably on his feet and fiddled with the cup in his hands.

"I, uh..." I raised my eyebrows at him, making him look away.

"Well?" I pressed.

He turned back to me with his face full of guilt and my heart flooded with forgiveness.

"I- I'm sorry, Monique. I don't know why I acted that way towards you. I didn't mean it." He turned his whole body to face me and his voice was barely a whisper.

"Please forgive me?"

His voice was so hurt and his eyes were pleading. I felt my heart squeeze and I sighed.

"Alright." His face lit up with happiness and his eyes sparkled. I tilted the cup again, this time taking a bigger swallow.

I needed more of this stuff in my system before I lose it.

"You're forgiven, but," I pointed my finger at him. " You better not ever ignore me again."

He chuckled and refilled my cup, even though I barely drank anything.

"Trust me, in no time you're gonna be the one ignoring me."

I laughed and took another drink.


- Logan POV -

"So you wan knoow what I toold that turtle?" Monique slurred and giggled uncontrollably at whatever was about to come out of her mouth.

She was beyond drunk. Her hands held tight onto the counter that she stumbled off of after her third drink.

She could barely stand from the drugs I slipped into that bottle before I poured her a drink.

"What'd you sayy?" I slumped closer to her, like she was telling a secret. I had to make her believe I was drunk even though, in her state, she probably wouldn't be able to tell the difference anyway.

She laughed again and whispered, "I told that turtle that he beetter get hiss filthyy turtle handss off my best friend, or I was gon' chop him up and make turtle soup."

Monique burst into laughter doubling over and clutching her stomach.

She stumbled and almost fell to the floor, but I caught her.

"Whoa, take it easy." I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her into my chest.

"Hehe, you're preetty." The strong smell of alcohol drifted off of her and surrounded me, as her face came closer to mine.

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