December 30, 2015

13 0 0

Dear Diary,                                                                                                                                   December 30, 2014

Aaaahhhh!!!! Mom just told me on the way to school that I have a dentists appointment after school. I'm terrified!!...

...It's the appointment in order to not think about what's going on I think I should tell you a bit about myself.

My Favorite:

Food-Thai Food

Restaurant-Nipas Thai Cafe

Book Series-Sisters Grimm and or Harry Potter and or the selection

T.V. Series- I don't know disney tv shows

Disney Movie-Lemonade Mouth, Tangled

Book-I can't choose!!!

Game- Monopoly

Memory- I was or no there was the time.. I can't choose just one I have like five plus I'm so detailed i would take up this entire journal just writing them down.


I guess thats all for today my dear dear diary.


Sophie M.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2015 ⏰

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Call me a Nerd, Call me a Dork, But I am Not a Geek :The Personal Diary of  Sophie MathewsonWhere stories live. Discover now