Everything [prologue]

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The burning sensation in my throat had me arching my back in pain and pleasure. It's been awhile since I've done this. I forgot how much pleasure it brought me, for such little in return.

Don't ever go that long without using it again, My wolf tells me.

I can't ever go that long again. I want this. I need this. The longer I go without it the weaker I become. I can't become weak.... They'll take everything if I become weak. And I need everything.

My arm stretched as my hand searched the nightstand beside my bed for the drug. Well, it wasn't really a drug, it was more of a medicine. Isn't that what drugs are? Medicines? I keep telling myself that, because for me, it was a medicine. And It wasn't just any medicine. It was part of the everything that keeps me alive. Because I need to live.

Smoke appeared above me as I exhaled. Ah, the smoke. It smelt so good. Makes me want to sleep. Sleep. That sounds good right now....

NO! You cannot sleep until it has taken full affect. My wolf reminded me.

I pried my eyes back open, and exhaled smoke again. No sleep, right.

My back arched once more as the medicine took full affect. I moaned in pleasure, not believing I had gone so long without doing this. I exhaled again and rolled over onto my side as I watched the smoke drift into the air. Now can I sleep? I ask myself.

Yes, you can sleep. Tomorrow we will wake up strong. My wolf allows me to close my eyes.

"Strong....We will be strong..." I repeated outloud as my eyelids grew heavy and I drifted off to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2013 ⏰

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