Plan Day 1

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Last night when Marc and Neymar came over Marc had an idea how I won't have to go through this whole drama with Cristiano.
Its currently 9 a.m. and Cristiano hasn't come home yet.
I laying on the couch cuddled up with a blanket, a pillow and eating the chocolates Neymar got me.
Im watching Prison Break and this show has my hooked.
I heard the door opened and knew it was Cristiano.
I laid there not caring much.
" Im home!" Cristiano walked into the living room.
He hardly get a hangover. Drinking is so adapted to his body that he doesn't have a consequence of drinking.
" Hey baby. Whats are you eating?" He asked standing in front of me.
" Im eating chocolate, now get out of the way, your blocking the tv." I moved so I can see the tv.
" Where did you get them?"
" Some one brought me a gift, along with chocolate. " I smiled.
He signed and walked to the kitchen.
He going to see the flowers.
" Where did the flowers come from." He walked back to the living room.
" That was the gift. Since when do you care?" I asked him frowning my eyebrows.
He balled his hands into fists and walked my way.
He grabbed my hand and pulled me off the couch knocking all the chocolates on the floor.
" You have no right to talk to me like that. Remember that we aren't the same. Im superior, your just a little girl compared to me." He clenched gis hand around my arm.
" I wish I never met you." I whispered. I know he heard me because he was inches away from my face.
He clenched his hand further making me winch.
" Cristiano your hurting me." I whined.
" Look at me and tell me if I care."
" Your a monster." I hissed.
He clenched his jaw. And tossed me against the wall knocking off our wedding pictures.
I grabbed my arm softly rubbing it.
I felt my head pounce, I place my hand on the back of my head.
I pulled it back foward to see blood covering my palm.
I tried to stand up, but I couldn't.
" Here let me help you." Cristiano smirked grabbing a handful of my hair and pulling me up forcefully.
" CRISTIANO! " I yelled. Tear sliding down my face.
He thew me on the couch, the lamp fell of the table shattering on the floor.
" Cristiano please." I looked up at him.
" Next time you talk back to me it'll be worst. And its going to hurt way more baby." He winked and walked away. I heard him grabbed his keys and walked out the house.
I harshly cried on the floor crawling to my phone that was on the other side on the floor.
I picked it up and dialed Marc's number.
" Marc. Come please. Hurry. Bring someone along." I stuttered.
" Alright on my way." He hung up.
" Ouch. " I moaned and placed my hand on my head.
I looked at my arm, its broken.
My left arm is very fragile, I broke it when I was in junior year of high school. I was playing football and a girl tackled me I landed on my arm and it snapped.

I stayed there on the floor. Not being able to move, or more like I didn't want to move.
I heard a knock on the door.
" Its open! I think! " I yelled.
" Its locked!" Marc yelled back.
" There's a key under the carpet!"
I heard him stick the key in the key hole and open the door.
" Ariel where are you?" Neymar called.
" In the living room!"
" What happened here?" I heard an extra voice call.
I thought for a second and new who it was.
" Ariel. " Marc rushed to me.
" Marc." I cried.
" Help me get her up." Marc told Neymar and Messi.
They came to my side and picked me up settling me in the couch.
" What happened?" Neymar asked.
" I was sitting on the couch, watching t.v., when Cristiano came back, from clubbing with his friends-" I started.
" He's not going to get away with it." Neymar hissed.
" Don't do anything, just leave it." I turned to face him.
" How am I just going to leave it when you and hurt you bad. Look at you. He messed up your beautiful face. I can't just leave it."
" We have to get you to a hospital. " Marc held my hand.
" First let's clean her up, and she needs to be change into different clothes." Messi suggested.
" Yea. Lets do it then."

After I was cleaned up and changed, they helped me get to Marc's car.
I saw Cristiano' s car turn.
" He's back." I spoke in fear.
They quickly put me in the car and locked the doors.
Neymar sat next to me.
" He won't get you I promise." He held my hand.
" Hey What the heck are you doing here?" Cristiano spoke aggressively.
" We came to see if Ariel is home, but no one opened up. See ya later." Marc nodded and they jumps into the car.
"Shhh." Messi whispered.
Marc turned on the car and pulled out of the drive way.
Cristiano watched the car leave them he jumped back into his car.
Marc quickly drove to the closest hospital. He parked and we rushed inside.
We entered the emergency room and I was attended quick.
We were in my hospital room when we heard my phone ring.
" Its Cristiano. " Marc spoke holding me phone.
" I'll answer." Matt grabbed my phone. Matt slid his finger on my phone and answered.
" Hey Cristiano. What's up?" Matt answered.
The convo went like this:
"Ariel yes she's with me."
" you want her home?"
" Well im sorry I can't take her right now. We're eating at a restaurant. "
" How about I take her in a littlw while."
" Alright see you then." He hung up.

" See can't go back." Neymar stood up.
" I have to. I have to finish the plan, we made." I spoke, getting their attention.
" What plan?" Matt asked confused.
" Tell him." Messi nodded.
Marc told Matt the plan.
" Simple, But it'll work." I smiled.

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