I love you❤️

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Liam's POV

"Hey Em now that mums gone want to go have some fun?" I asked.
"Sure Liam let's go to the park!" Emma said with such enthusiasm.
"Let's go!" We both shouted at the same time.
We decided to drive to the nicest park in town. The park was huge and had a small pond with some ducks.
"Liam look at the ducks!" Emma squealed.
"Don't scare them away Em."I laughed.

We then bought some bread crumbs, and Emma went crazy feeding the ducks.
One hour later
"Emma calm down!" I laughed.
Emma and I decided to get some ice cream and walk around town.
"I love you liam."Emma spoke softly.
"Love you too sis." I replied.
Then my phone rang.
Hope you all enjoyed this chapter, please comment. Ps sorry it's short it's going to get crazy from this part😜

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