The Breakfast Club // Batman // KILLER-FROST

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The Breakfast Club // Batman Villains
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Harley slams the door of her fathers door angrily as she stomps up to the school, her high heels clicking loudly on the cement. She flips her blonde locks over her shoulder and straightens her glasses before walking through the glass doors.
'Detention on a Saturday' she thinks angrily as she reaches the library 'this is ridiculous'.
She bumps into a tall ginger haired boy with large glasses "sorry.." He says quietly as Harley shakes her hair and walks into the room, leaving Edward to have the heavy door shut in his face.
Nigma looks down and takes a deep breath, holding onto his book bag tightly.
"Take your time" A voice says from behind him "I'm going to be late for my date with discipline"
Edward turns in surprise as the boy pushes past him, his heavy boots banging against the floor loudly.
Jack knocked down all the books on the shelf before taking a green marker out of a pot and drew a large smile on the wall before siting in the middle of the room.
Selina, dressed in her cheerleading uniform sashays into the room and sits down next to Harley "Did ya hear about Bane getting tha kick afta selling steroids to tha freshmen?"
"He got expelled? Ha never liked that guy anyway..." Selina says tucking a strand of her dark brown hair behind her ear.
Selina winks at Harley while grinning, her thick cat eye darkened her eyes making the green in her irises pop.
Jack kicks his legs up onto the table and leans back, eyeing the people around him as the door slowly opens again.
A thin boy with ratty clothes too large for him and piecing blue eyes shuffles into the library, his head bowed.
He sits down at the back and opens the book he had been clutching to his chest titled Sleepy Hallow.
Jonathan mainly kept to him self, trying to attract as little attention as possible-
"Hey Johnny boy!" Jack says loudly looking at the boy with an amused expression "is it true you have crush on Sherry?"
Crane began to turn pink as Harley and Selina giggled at the front of the room and buried his face further into his book.
"Look Ichabod-" more rounds of laughter "if you don't like her just say you don't" Jack says grinning at Jonathan's uncomfortable figure.
"Okay Naiper I think that's enough.." Selina said turning around while grinning "leave the poor kid alone"
"You can't tell me what to do Kitty"
"Don't call me that" she snaps back.
Harley smiles as she looks at her nails, a blush creeping up her cheeks.
"Alright I'll stop right meow"
"THATS IT!" Selina rises out of her seat at record speed her hands balled into fists.
"Sit. Down. Ms Kyle before I am forced to give you another Saturday"
Mr Vernon walks in from his office on the side of the building, he is tall and stern wearing a crease free grey suit and a black shirt with white buttons that shine in the bright light.
He marches across the carpet pushing Jack's legs off of the table "there is too be no sleeping" he loudly closes Edwards text book "no studying" he snatches Jonathan's book causing him start glaring angrily at the teacher "no reading" he turned to the girls "no talking".
"No nothing kapeesh?"

Ahhhhhh I love this movie....

Hope you enjoyed 😉

Killer Frost ❄️