Memory Loss

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I don't remember anything...

I wake up, I'm, too excited. It's my first day of school.

I don't remember anything, my mom said we were in an accident or something.

But now I have to start over.

New school, I'm nervous. I don't know anyone...

I can't wait to meet new people, but I'm still sore from the accident. I keep finding bruises and scars all the time.

I went to my closet and found a clean blue T-shirt and jeans, with some Vans for shoes.

I got ready in less than five minutes and brushed my teeth while fixing my hair. I didn't eat breakfast, I don't know why, but I wasn't hungry at all.

I walked out the door, and saw a boy at the end of the street. He waved at me. Who is he?

"You must be Via!" I could see his smile from here.

"Yeah, and you are?"

"Jake!" He laughed, I didn't find anything funny.

I caught up to him and we started walking together.

"So, I'll show you around okay?" He couldn't and didn't stop smiling.

"Alright." I just agreed. He seemed cool, for an overly happy creep.

Jake...why is that familiar?

"So, I'm sorry to hear about your brother..." He looked down.

"To be honest, I don't remember him. I don't remember anything."

"Oh, well his name was Blake."

Oh, his name rhymes with Blake I guess.

"Good to know..."

We got to school and he pulled me aside.

"So, listen. I feel like I made a total fool of myself..." He grew bright red.

"No, you're really cool." I smiled at him.

"So are you..." He looked at his shoes.

We changed the subject after that, and he introduced me to some people. His friend Xavier is funny, and so is Jaxon.

"So, Jake," Jaxon began, "have you made a move yet? Or is she still up for grabs?" Jake punched him in the arm, I pretended I don't hear them.

Jake showed me to my first class, which we didn't have together.

"Do you want to meet me at lunch?" He looked so shy when he talked to me, but now he was more red than ever.

"Only if I can sit with you!" I laughed and waved goodbye.

He seemed nice enough.


I found Jake in line and talked with him. We had a connection some how, I couldn't explain it.

His buddies, especially Jaxon kept hitting on me. Every time Jake seemed to defend me. That was nice of him...

We went outside for free period and Jake and I walked around the P.E track.

"Do you like reading?"

"I think so..."

We both laughed. He made not having a memory easier. Like it didn't matter if I couldn't remember the past, I almost didn't care. The only thing that bothered me was the fact I didn't remember my brother. Of course from what I was told, he was older, and we never seemed to get along.

"He use to tease you constantly..." Jake looked annoyed. It was cute that he cared.

"Aw, do you care about me?" I teased, he blushed red again. I couldn't help but love when he did that.

"" He laughed.

The bell rang and we headed to our next class, the only class we had together.

•<3:30pm School's over>•

Jake walked out with me, we were still laughing from our conversation in Science. Jaxon called me over, waving.

"Great..." Jake muttered, annoyed.

"I'll see what he wants, wait up okay?" He nodded and headed for the gate.

Jaxon seemed like the over-confident-player type.

"So, you sick of Jake yet?" He asked as if he knew the answer.

"No. He's great, and really funny." I laugh remembering the joke he told not, too long ago.

"Yeah, you say that now. His jokes get old though, mark my words. When you do get sick of him, come talk to me." He winked and walked away. I just rolled my eyes and went towards Jake.

We walked and talked until we got to my house. Jake stopped me.

"Whaaaat?" I laughed.

He looked down.

"Is something wrong Jakis?" I made up that nickname earlier, it suited him.

He smiled when he heard his nickname.

"I just, um... Wanted to know if... You wanted to be partner for chemistry?" He sighed, looked down.

"Man! I thought you would ask something else, but sure!" He looked up, and I winked.

He smiled and we said goodbye.

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