Netflix and chill

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*pop* *pop*

As the popcorn popped in the microwave y/n was setting out pillows and blankets for the night.

Y/n was so excited because tonight Ashley was coming over to hangout.

This was a tradition of theirs since freshman year. After a finals y/n and Ashley would hangout for the night and relax.

As the popcorn finished and y/n sat the bowl on the table in front of the t.v there was a ring at the door.

When y/n answered the  she was greeted with a hug from Ashley.

" Hey y/n what's up" Ashley asked closing the door and making her way to the couch.

" um nothing much I guess, hey what movie do you want to watch?" Y/n replied, moving to lay down on the pile of blankets and pillows on the floor.

After a few minutes of arguing on the movie the girls decided on watching a scary movie.

As y/n hit play, Ashley made her way under the blankets with you

While the movie started y/n couldn't keep her eyes off of Ashley

She was wear a transparent white t- shirt that was one size to big and y/n could see what looked like a black lace bra underneath

But what was exceptionally beautiful was the way the light of the t.v hit every one of Ashley's features and how it lit up her pale blue hair

See the thing is y/n has liked Ashley for probably about 3 years now but was too scared to say anything.

As y/n continued to look at the beautiful girl in front of her, she didn't even realize that Ashley was starring back

" What? Is there something on my face?" Ashley asked giving y/n a concerned look

" oh um it's j- just .. That um nothing " y/n stumbled out, turning into a red blushing mess

As the two continued to stare at each other, something changed

Ashley scooted in about an inch or two away from y/n

The sudden action caused y/n's breathe to hitch

" hey y/n what's wrong you seem uncomfortable " Ashley asked with a smirk slowly sliding her hand up y/n shirt

Y/n was too taken back to even say anything because she couldn't believe this is actually happening

" ugh it's hot in here isn't it?" Ashley continued taking her hand off go y/n

All y/n could do is watch as Ashley slid her shirt off

Once Ashley's shirt was gone she slowly made laid y/n down on her back and straddled her

" I think you should get rid of this yeah?" Ashley asked lifting up the edge of y/n shirt

Once her shirt was gone y/n realized what was happening but before she could say anything the two girls lips meet in a soft embrace

But soon as Ashley slipped her tongue into y/n mouth the kiss got heated

Soon enough both girls were grinding on each other trying to get any friction.

Suddenly y/n felt her panties being slid down and she felt a finger teasing her core

" how bad do you want it" Ashley asked in a demanding heated voice as she just slipped the tip of her finger inside

" I ... I want it really bad" y/n said breathlessly

" Then beg for it"

At that point y/n thought she was going to explode because of how turned on she was

" I .... I please Ashley I want you to fuck me so hard a- and mark me just...... Just please "

That surprised both girls but after y/n said that Ashley looked at her like prey

Without warning Ashley started quickly pumping her fingers in and out of y/n

Within minutes y/n was close. Ashley had worked in two fingers and kept hitting her g spot dead on

So to say the least y/n was a whimpering mess

" I n-need to cum Ash please  I -" y/n was cut off by Ashley's lips and now Ashley was working her fingers twice as hard, like it was even possible

The two girls stayed like this for a while, the only sounds in the room being their tongues, soft moans and the sound off Ashley's fingers slapping against y/n's wet core

After a particularly hard thrust from Ashley's hand y/n came with a loud moan

During her orgasm y/n closed her eyes but when see opened them back up she was meet with one of the most sinful sights

Ashley was sucking y/n's cum off of her fingers

" I .... Um you.. And u-" y/n tried too find the words to explain what just happened but Ashley just pulled the blanket that must have gotten kicked of back over them

" shh just go to sleep angle" Ashley said as y/n cuddled into her side focusing back on the movie that was almost over

After a few minutes of silence y/n' s eyes were drifting closed

" I love you " y/n said, shocked because it just slipped out of her mouth

But thankfully not a second later Ashley said " I love you too my angel "

And both girls drifted off to sleep

Hey guys sorry if it is a bad update but it's 4:30 in the morning and I have school tomorrow, uuugggghhh!

But anyways thank you for the positive reviews and for leaving recommendations you guys are so helpful:)

Continue to leave votes and comments if you want me to keep writing

And from now on I will try to update more, sorry about that ( I promise I didn't die)

Anyways love you guys


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2015 ⏰

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