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In this chapter we shall study some real life effects of the aspects of quantum that we have up until now. In the previous chapters we learnt about the effect of Heisenberg's uncertainty principle and the dual nature of all substances in nature. These effects have an astounding implication on our predictions of the universe. As we shall see they change our fundamental views of topics such as black holes and the ultimate end of the universe.

Let's start by defining what a black hole is. The generally accepted definition of a black hole is – a set of events in space and time from which nothing can escape to a considerable distance. If you understood that – good, if you didn't- even better. To see what a black hole is we need to see how its formed, and from what its formed. A star is the answer to the latter.

In the beginning a star is nothing but a gigantous cloud of gas mostly hydrogen floating in space. This is known as a nebula. Soon this nebula begins to contract under its own gravity. As this happens the atoms of the gas begin to collide with one another and the temperature of the cloud increases due to friction. When the cloud reaches a critical stage the particles no longer bounce of as they collide but fuse together to form helium atoms. The cloud tries to compress further due to the force of gravity and gets pushed outside due to such reactions happening at its core. These forces balance out each other and the cloud gets a spherical shape this is what we call a star.

As a star progresses in its life it begins to convert more and more hydrogen to helium. When it converts all its hydrogen to helium, the helium then begins to fuse together to form carbon and so on until iron begins to form after this the chemical reaction takes in more energy than it gives out and we experience what we know as a supernova- the stars attempt to shed mass in order to survive. What remains is mostly the core. If the mass of the core is less than a critical level- the Chandrasekhar limit- the star forms a white dwarf or a neutron star. But if its above the limit the star begins to collapse upon itself until it's a point in space and time which has infinite curve and density. The gravitational force of such a star is so massive that not even light can escape from it that's why we call such a star a black hole.

Or at least that was what we believed until now. Lets apply Heisenberg's uncertainty principle here and see what we get. When a particle falls into a black hole we can be certain of its position to a great extent.

Therefore the uncertainty in the system must be provided by the velocity we already saw that the more we know about a particle's position the less we know about its velocity. Here the uncertainty in the velocity is so high that the particle can have a velocity of anywhere between an undefined but a really low velocity to a velocity more than the speed of light.

This means that the particle can actually escape the black hole. This theory was first put forward by Professor Stephen Hawking. According to him smaller a black hole the greater is our knowledge of the position of particles inside it and therefore the number of particles emitted from such a black hole should be more. He proposed that if there were any black holes formed at the beginning of the universe they should still be around today but they should be reduced to less than a quarter of an inch. As their size is so less the uncertainty in position is almost non-existent therefore the number of particles emitted from such black holes is greater than that of a greater black hole. So paradoxically speaking these "mini" black holes should be easier to detect than larger black holes.

This result that black holes emit particles totally changed our concepts about the end of the universe.

Classically the universe has three possible ends.

a) If there is enough matter in the universe to stop its expansion, then eventually the universe will re-collapse to a singularity. At present this option seems unlikely as the current predicted amount of matter in the universe is much less than that required to stop it from expanding. However there might be some "dark matter" in the universe which would increase the amount of matter in it and make the universe re-collapse.

b) If there is just enough amount of matter in the universe would just remain in a stagnant state and all of it matter will be inside black holes.

c) If the amount of matter in the universe is less than that required the universe would continue to expand and all its matter would again be inside black holes.

If the end of the universe is option a we can't do anything about it however if its option b or c all the matter in the universe would end up in black holes. If we now apply quantum effects to this result we come to the conclusion that all of the matter in the universe will be eventually be outside the black holes. However this matter would not be like the one we see around us today it would exist in a random and "information less" manner- just some radiation.

Next chapter under construction...... will arrive soon

If you have any suggestions or queries fill free to leave comments or email me on

richardskassis666 at

and for all those people who love a good thriller, my buddy arthur norwinton is writing this great book called domus digni. so if you are one of those people who love a book one can't keep down domus digni is the one for you

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2015 ⏰

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