Chapter 1

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Ahh what wonderful way to wake up to your alarm blaring as loud as it can!
'O my god please shut the fück up!, I sat up from my bed and just stay there for 10 minutes.
Seeing that it's 7:15 and school starts at 8:30 . I know I have enough time to get ready and eat breakfast.
I quickly stand up and head to my bathroom.
'Woah am ugly'! I have crust in my eyes and my hair is a mess.
I look like Britney Spears right now but with ombré hair.
I quickly take a shower and brush my teeth.
I walk out the bathroom room with my towel and went to my walk in closet. Since I am a nerd to say (that's what people say) I pick out some black skinny jeans and a band shirt. I quickly put my wet hair in a somewhat neat bun.
I went down stairs and see that my parents and brother is already up.
"What's up family." I yelled.
Please shut the fück up" my brother yelled
"JOSEPH watch your profanity" mom said
"It's okay bitch I curse all the mother fücking time" I said
I quickly grab a green apple and ran out the door.
I quickly went  to my  garage and got in my 2014 black mustang. I head straight to Starbucks to get a vanilla ice coffee. Then I drove my way  to school.
When I got to school I realize ,I had 20 minutes to get to class ,so I went to my locker and text my best friend amber.
Me:Where are you amber?
The Bff4l:I got sick I can't go to school.
Me: Boo hoo you whore.
I quickly head to my class which is English. Yay!!
Of course I come face with ms. plastic aka queen bee aka Gigi.
Her ginger hair was  down and she was wearing the tightest clothes I ever seen.
"We'll look at what we have the slut" she sneered
'But am a virgin' I said in my head
" Are really calling me a slut am surprise you don't have std. You had sex with half of the fücking school. I said while rolling my eyes.
" Listen here bitch why don't you go fall of a cliff and die because nobody wants you here. She hissed
' Is this bïtch a snake.' " why don't you put on something that actually fit, you look like your going to pass out. Self harm is not the answer plastic" I said
She gasped and ran away.
"Make sure you don't give people your std by the way". I yelled down the hall where she was running.
I finally made it to English to end up being 10 minutes late.
"Lily would you like to explain why you are late"my teacher said
" no "
I look to see that the only seat was left was next to Alec the bad boy"
'Not Alec Ryder sadly.
I quickly went to my seat to see Alec looking at me. "Can I help you ,you're making my uncomfortable" I whispered
He quickly looked away smirking. I hope he don't act like Edward Cullen , he is  always stares at her. That's creepy.
But am totally team NOBODY because they are both ugly.
While I was deep in thought I swear I heard my teacher say we have a project and that I am Partners with Alec.
How cliched, I quickly turn to Alec and find out that he is already staring at me.
"Okay partner what is the project about" I said. I see him smirking ,and I start wondering do he have some kind of problem ,because he seems to always be smirking.
" we have to do a news article out side of school."
"Okay so where should we meet to work on the project." I said
"A closet if you know what I mean" he said while wiggling his eyebrows.
I stared at him for a second and finally said " I guess at my place. What is your number?
He gave me his number and I quickly rushed out the classroom.
The end of the day came. I  ran out the classroom and into my mustang. I began to back out the parking lot to almost hit someone.
It was non other than ms plastic. "Watch were you are going nerd". She yelled.
'Dang it I should of hit her'
I quickly make it to my house to see nobody is home. I go to my room and change into some blue basketball shorts and a neon shirt. I go to my kitchen and grabbed the hidden Nutella jar in the cabinets and a spoon.
I quickly go the front room and lay on the couch only to turn on Netflix. I sitting here watching vampire dairies to see hear my phone beep.
The pedo: what are you doing princess ;)
Me: watching Netflix why?
The pedo: what is your address so I can know ahead of time.
Me: um 123 subway Street .
After that I don't get any text messages so I resume watching vd. I hear the doorbell ring so I go open the door to come face with a smirking Alec.

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To the right is lily

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