Cheryl's story

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Cheryl's story

It started when I was six. I was scared that in school people would hurt me so I kept myself distant to others. The people in my class treated me like an invisible person. I was okay with this until now. The people (especially the girls) in my class started to spread rumors about people to start fights between random and they tend to go into people's business. This gave me another reason to stay away from them.

Because I was always alone and didn't have anyone to talk to (for 6-8 years), I found it hard to create a conversation with people, so I rarely talked. This is where it gets worse. Because I hardly talked, cried a lot and was so gullible they labeled as the shy girl even though the shy girl was just my alter ego. They never got to know the real me and thought 'she's a shy girl that's all I need to know about her.'

When I was around ten I was called names like ugly and a loner. One girl decided to bully me because like I said, she thought I was just a shy girl who couldn't protect herself even though I was protecting myself all along. She mentally and emotionally bullied me. This didn't work because I've been called this really mean names a lot that they don't effect me anymore. She apologized but she would bully me again and then apologized and bully me again and then apologized and she did this again and again and again for 2-3 years.

When I was 12 I decided to show my true colours. Sadly I found out that people who I thought were my friends were just manipulating me and stealing from me. Nobody respected my opinion, nobody listened to me and nobody cared how I felt. The girl that bullied me when I was ten, well she found another girl who I thought was my friend and they both bullied me together. Some girls knew they were buying but they never told anyone because they were friends of these girls. All of the boys in my class except one tried to annoy me and made my life a living hell.

Finally I graduated from that horribly school and went to secondary school (high school, I think it's called that in America.) My Dad expected me to make friends in secondary school but how could I make friends after all I've experience. People who I thought were my friends manipulated me, used me, stole from me, tried to make my life a living hell and tried to get me expelled from that terrible school. I tried but thought of them doing the same thing kept popping up in my head. I tried to talk to people but since I hardly talked in primary school I found it hard to talk in secondary school. Sadly, because I couldn't create a conversation with them they thought I was boring so they stopped hanging out with me.

I tried joining in conversations but someone just goes right in front of me and cuts me off from the conversation. This has not happened once. This made me really sad because I'm being treated like I'm invisible and I'm trying to talk more. The worst bit is that no one is tried to help me.

For anyone who knows someone who is being bullied, don't be a stupid idiot go help and for anyone who knows anyone that's alone, don't be an idiot go talk to them. I don't anyone to experience the same pain that I've been through.

For anyone who has the same problem or a different problem, don't worry your not alone.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2013 ⏰

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