Scared straight

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Marise cried until she could cry no more and her sobs slowly subsided to trembling. It was really cold in the dungeon and soon Marise's teeth were chattering. A cold draft passed through the room and seemed to wrap around Marise in a chilly embrace causing her nipples to become painfully hard. Marise could do nothing but take in all the cold and discomfort. Marise didn't know how long she stayed there her chains creaking and clacking with each movement that she made. Then she heard sounds, footsteps. She lifted her head and saw Santos stride into the room. He was completely bloodless and his head had its normal shape. He wore what looked like an expensive white silk shirt and fancy black pants.
"Ah, you're still here aren't you?" Santos asked in a cheerful manner as though he had not just condemned someone to torture. Marise felt her heart start to beat erratically in her chest. Santos walked close to Marise and studied her intently. He stayed quiet and said nothing a long time, did nothing but watch. How messy Marise's hair was, how her shirt was ripped that it showed the curve of her breasts, how her face was streaked with dirt and tears. He loved it. Her wide green eyes that held such fear, how the curves of her body lead to places where Santos couldn't even imagine. He felt his cock move beneath his pants in excitement and it took the greatest of effort to not grab her out of those chains and fuck her senselessly right on the floor. Don't worry you'll get her soon , Santos thought. He realized he was also hungry since he had lost a lot of blood and he needed to gain some back.
"What are you going to do?" Marise asked, interrupting his thoughts. Santos smiled her and removed her from the wall though she still had shackles on. He tied the chains to a hook in the middle of the room raising Marise's arms over her head. He circled her, like a predator watching its prey. Marise felt her body shake with terror and anticipation. Santos removed Marise's hair from neck to inhale deeply and he sighed, a mix between a groan and a moan, causing Marise to tremble even harder but for a slightly different reason. Santos let his fingers trail down her neck, along her collarbone and down her breast pausing at the hard nipples. Marise bit her lip in humiliation and closed her eyes. Santos grabbed her hips and jerked her towards his body rather roughly. She felt something hard pressing against her belly
"Please stop," Marise choked out a sob. She couldn't stand what he was doing to her, all these different kinds' emotions running through her.
"But you were so bad you really hurt me," Santos said quietly. "And you have to be punished for what you did. You have barely tasted what I could do to you" Marise shook her head.
"I'm sorry just... please don't do this please!" she cried.
"Oh, I can't," Santos breathed into her neck, causing Marise to become weak. She could no longer hold herself up; she was hanging from her wrists. "You know you made me lose so much blood, its only fair I take some back." Marise felt the sudden strike catching her completely unaware and making her cry out. Marise gasped in pleasure. Santos drew the blood out of her almost teasingly; she felt a pull come from behind her belly button going straight down. Marise moaned as he kept going, she felt herself get wet. God, she was so wet... She could feel it run down her legs. She felt a presence suddenly enter her brain, Santos! She felt as he quickly, savagely, and quietly tried to rape her brain.
He was trying to find a weakness, so he could feast on her every hope and dream. No! Marise thought. Santos was too far gone in the Blood Pleasure to notice that his mind rape didn't work. Marise felt the pull from her loins become stronger and stronger and her breathe became hitched. She felt like she was about to explode with pleasure, At least it will be over She thought. She was so close to the edge, all she wanted was to throw herself over...Santos abruptly pulled out, his mouth full of blood. His eyes were unfocused; his ears were pounding with the sounds of Marise's heart beating. He clung to Marise unable to stand by himself. Marise cried out in frustration that her body slowly webbed away from that "cliff" and left her feeling unsatisfied. She cried as the feeling stayed with her, refusing to go away.
"How does it feel?" a voice said in her ear. It was Santos his eyes glowing in ice blue but he was so warm, he felt almost human...Marise realized that she had her hand clasped to the back of his; probably when he was drinking from her, she held him close. She let her hand drop to her side. "To be filled with such pleasure and have it so quickly taken away from you? But it's not gone, no, never gone; its still there isn't it?"
"You feel like you're going to die don't you? You feel like you can't stand it?" Santos whispered in her ear. "You want it don't you?" He went behind her and grinded his hips into her back letting her feel his rock-hard manhood. Marise sobbed, she didn't want to feel this. She didn't want to be unfilled, she wanted to feel complete. "But we're not done love! We still have six more days!" And with that he left her sobbing.

Marise moved her arms slowly; the shackles had cut into her wrists long ago. She thought that the feeling of the unfulfilled orgasm would leave her but it didn't. It was like she was still on the edge but unable to go over. If this is what happens in day one I don't think I'll last long Marise thought to herself tearfully. She didn't know what was going to happen to her tomorrow, she just had to wait for the inevitable.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2015 ⏰

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