Part 1(edited)

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I will usually add random pictures but some points I will add character looks and outfits.

Wolf P.O.V

Woah this school is huge I can't believe a school for our species can survive at this size nor can I wait to meet everyone I think as I look at a picture on my phone. I know it's weird how I'm excited to meet new people but really it depends on their scent if their scent smells good it means that they are good people but if it smell rotten then they have done something horrible and would still do things like that. Their are actually lots of schools for our species and even some for a specific race such as the dragons ,they prefer to be alone compared to being around others. As I hope you understand and believe me as this is entirely true I am an Animal Person. You see there are still humans but as long as there have been humans there have been animal people. We are a closed off breed, we do not fear humans like other animals but instead we are close to some. The laws of humans also apply to us such as gravity and the laws they made for themselves. There is only one law we have added for ourselves that law is that we must never tell a human of our species even other unique species don't fully understand us. You must understand why though vampires and lychens have been know about for so long its not even funny however have you ever heard of schools for a different species like the one I'm on my way to go to for my first day, no you haven't.

Where you go to school usually depends on the place your living and whether or not there is a mixed school( m school) or a certain species school (cs school ) if not parents A. send their child to a school with dorms or B. put their child in a human school. In our world wolf people have the best smelling and hearing and are in the top twenty hunters. It's just a little longer till I get to school with my lioness mom taking me there. In our species things such as gene pools mean nothing as in for all existence two lions and have a mountain goat child. When we give birth we must be in human form and the child is already in human form. We are a very proud species seeing as we have never been caught unlike the stupid lychens and vampires. We usually try not to get close to them because they are so big they look like bears, when they stand on all four legs. We however are only slightly larger than normal wolves. Oh my gosh I see the school. Well let's get this over with let's get past my first day.

Well here goes well everything I thought to myself as I walked to the gym following the steady stream of students and teachers into it. I walk slowly at first, calming myself by sniffing and listening around. Then I walk faster through the beautiful courtyard the school has. I came to a halt in front of the gym with some people going past me as I closed my umbrella. You may be wondering why it's raining when it should be my first day of school. Well, at schools such as this we must accommodate all species so some species hate the hot while others love the cold, I myself in the latter. So they have two seasons winter-spring season and summer-fall season. With this comes shorter time spans and so we have longer school hours and get to school early, well some of us others however are the opposite and come to the late classes and stay late.

I walked into the place and when I entered I immediately covered my ears to keep the noise of all the students less loud.

One of the teachers told me to take a seat in a section with chairs, she smelled of a bird so I wonder what kind she is. I sat in the back row of the section yet the area behind me also had chairs but they were filled with high school students which you could tell by their clothes as they were out of uniform. In the section to my right there were no chairs but instead children in elementary sat on the floor. The small children wore uniforms like mine but with different colors and styles.

Most of the people here were mammals when in animal form but I also smelled some birds and every once in awhile I would get a scent of an aquatic animal.

I sat down and waited for awhile before a girl with dark hair and tan skin sat next to me. "Hey I'm Katherine call me whatever, I'm in seventh", she introduced. I looked at her for awhile then sniffed the air around her which caused her to give me a weird look. It was understandable seeing as only wolves and their close friends and family know of the scent fact. She smelled like a little girl who had never heard a bad word, it smelled nice but with me knowing people not so good it smelled too sugary sweet and also had rabbit.

I smiled at her and introduced myself, "I'm Wolfy, I'm an eighth grader. Another thing I'll call you kitten."

"You should probably know I'm a bunny"

"I know I could smell it and as you should know by my name I'm a wolf" I said as two other girls came in and started talking to her.

I wonder how the rest of the school year will be.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2015 ⏰

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