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(Dress for the party 👆)

I quickly ran to my room and called Clara "Hey" she answered "We got a problem" "What is it?" "Omma isn't going to work" "What?!why not?!" she started freaking out like me "Something happened at work and now she'll be staying at home which means I won't be able to sneak out!" I started bitting my nails "Don't bite your nails we're gonna go troughs this!" I stopped "How?" she was quiet for a while  "Just say you'll be going to bed" I raised a brow even though she couldn't see

"At 5:30?" "Yeah I got nothing" she gave up "Okay I'll just tell her I'll study and then go to bed" "Won't she check up on you?" "Not if I lock my room" "Won't that seem more suspicious?" "Not really I always lock my room when I want to be alone" "Oh" she said "But what do I do about the lights?" that was a question more for myself "Ask your neighbor Hana to do it" "Why her?" "She always does what you ask without objections so it's just perfect"

"You're right then I'll ask her" "Okay see you" "By" I hung up and dialed Hana's number.Hana is a years younger and she's alright I guess she always does whatever I say so that's good.She has been my neighbor forever now and she and her family know about my oppas so it's no problem "Hello?" a sweet voice answered "Hey Hana it's Hyo" "Hyo unni!it's been forever!" I could hear the joy in her voice "Yeah well you see I have a favor to ask" "What is it?" "So I'm sneaking out and my omma is home so I'll be pretending to study and I need you to come and turn off the lights so it will seem like I went to sleep"

"Okay and I promise I won't tell anyone" I smiled "Thanks Hana you're a lifer saver" "No problem so when should I do it?" I thought for a bit "Do it at 9" "Okay see you around" "See you by by" we hung up "Good I'm still in the game" I laid back on my bed.

I went downstairs to drink some water "Omma I'm going to study for a bit and then I'll just go to bed okay?" I pretended to be sad "Okay good night" "Good night" I hurried up and got ready.I was waiting when I heard something hit my window "Clara?" I saw her waving at me "Hey" I put on my sneakers and got out "You ready?" she asked linking her arms with mine "Yup let's go"

There were a tons of people at the party dancing and having fun "It sure has been a long time since I've been at a party" I said as we made our way in "Let's go dance!" Clara grabbed my hand dragging me to the dance floor.It started getting late and there were only a few people left "Hey let's go to the club!" Hyunjae said "But we aren't allowed in we're still underage" I said "Oh come on let's have some fun" in the end we went.We were dancing like crazy "This is fun!" I yelled "I know right!" Clara said "Excuse me" some guy said to us "Yes?!" I asked "How old are you?" he asked and because I was just too excited I spilled it out "You'll have to come with us" 3 more guys appeared taking Clara and Hyunjae "Who are you?!" I asked "We're the police"

We were all sitting at the station waiting for our parents "I'm so dead" I kept repeating in my mind and that's when the doors flew open revealing my omma burning in anger "Oh no..." she stopped in front of me "WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING SNEAKING OUT?!" she yelled so now all attention was on us "AND EVEN GETTING ARRESTED?!" she yanked me up by my arm "Apo(it hurts)" she gave me a death glare and I immediately shut up "Officer what exactly did she do?" omma asked "She and her friends were hanging at a club not allowed to teenagers" he answered "I see thank you" she bowed smiling before dragging me out and to the car

"Omma..." she cut me off "WHAT WERE YOU EVEN THINKING?!" she didn't start the car yet "I'm sorry okay I just wanted to have some fun!" I was getting angry as well "This is your idea of fun?!going to a club?!" I turned to her with tears sliding down mu cheeks uncontrollably "I just wanted to have some fun!" "You are grounded!how dare you sneak out?!" "I wouldn't have been grounded if you just let me go with oppas!" "Don't you get it?!they're famous now it isn't that easy being with them anymore!!" she said "THEN WHY WAS I BORN LIKE THIS?!!!" words just kept flowing out of me "Hyo..." omma looked surprised as well "I'll just walk home" I got out of the car and slammed the door "I know what I said was stupid and mean but it's also the truth why was I born like this?to brothers I can't even see daily?to an omma I can't even help?"

it started raining but I didn't care and just walked home "I just wish I would disappear then everything would be perfect" tears still flowed down my cheeks and eventually I stopped and squatted down crying "Why?!why me?!" I yelled not really caring about the few people passing "This world is too cruel..."

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