A Life & Death Chapter 2

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When September woke up it was dark outside. When she was walking around trying to find her older sister Shadow. Then she finally relies that Shadow is gone forever until that day come when they fight. September was walking and crying until she gone in front of Shadow's room. So she open the door and walk in. when September walk in she went in and sit on Shadow's bed and just cry so much that she fell a sleep. After she fell a sleep Shadow called me and saying to block September members of her. I just nodded so i went to wear September was at and i block the memories of the two then having fun. So September memories of the two of was block and she was sleeping in Shadow's room like always when they were little. Then I said the powers of the Angel in Heaven block September memories of Shadow, but September was a wake when i was doing it and she said nothing to me about it. Zero ask why did my mother do that for grandma. I don't know Zero i guess that she want it and lets me get back to the story. Zero nodded. Blocking her memories won't last she remember until day comes when she 18 Teen and her birthday was about 2 year about that time. So your grandpa said to Shadow that she need to go back to your sister because you can't run from what going to happen to your sister and you Shadow. Shadow just look down at the picture that she from the time that her and her sister having fun, but Shadow think that she going to kill September her own sister. Then their father was happy that Shadow came back home to the darkness but Shadow didn't seen evil to her mother and her sister but deep inside she is a monster that what your grandpa said. Then Shadow ask him if he can block her memories of September. Lucy ask why my mother block her and her sister memories. Then Zero said yeah why did she do it. I said OK just hear the story OK. They both said OK grandma Yuki. The reason was she didn't what to hurt her sister so that why Shadow did that. She didn't what to hurt her OK. But Shadow didn't know that can hurt them both in the long run when the day.

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