Beyond Horris Woods

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In the near future there was a family of 4, a baby a mother and 14 year old girl, Addison, and her best friend Tae.

There was a war called World War III and due to a war Addison and her family were planning on fleeing...if

they could...*boom* *bang* (looks around) well i guess we are still in the cellar, mom wake up

(shakes her mother) i think Tae needs more medicine.

"Ok" my mother says softly.

"Tea, how are you felling" I ask my best friend.

" It hurts so bad" she cries.

"of course dear,your leg was shot by a solider i don't that it is not going to hurt" my mother chuckles.

"yeah i know"Tea replies, "I just can't wait to see my parents again."

"Tea" My mother sits next to her bed side "honey," she takes a deep breath "I dont know if your mother and father made it through that last attack"

"WHAT! How could you say that, of course they made it through. Why wouldn't they!" Tea Exclaims

"Tea, calm down" I say


"Mom can you leave me and Tea be for a while" I ask my mother

"Of course honey" She replies "I think I have to feed Rosie"than she walks out. Rosie is my baby sister but none of us believe shes going to make it through, My mother had 5 miss carriges after me and Rosie, Rosie is ill, its probably from the gun powder floating every where.

"Tea, You know i love you right, you like the sister i never had" I say to her holding her hand

"yeah but-"

"after they say its safe we will look for you parents ok?" I continue


"But you have to be prepared for the worst" I say Calmly "just like I had to be when my father left to go fight for us, and when my mother was pregnant, every time she was pregnant"

"Yeah i know but, I have no family then" She says Quietly, I could see the tears in her eyes

"If worst comes to worst then you will stay with us" I explain

"Ok, but if so we are leaving right?" she asks

"yeah, Rosie wont make it for another week so after she goes we are leaving mom has already prepared" I replie

"Ok" she says

*Horn* "All is clear please come out if needed, I repeat all is clear" A voice says from outside 

"Girls!" my mother runs out of the room we were keeping Rosie

"yeah mom?" I ask 

"Rosie Has recovered!" My mom exclaims "She might not die!"

"so are we going to flee?" Tea askes

"Go grab you stuff, first we are searching for your parents than yeas all 6 of us!" My mom says with joy

"Ok" me and Tea say at the same time. After we grab our stuff we go out into the open.

"Oh my god!" I exclaim, Every where i look was now a crater.

*cough cough* " Oh my god it stinks out here" Tea says

"It smells like dead-"I was going to say when i look across the street, Teas house but know one was there or near us

"Come on! we need to go see if my parents are in my house!" Tea says running across the street

"Tea!" my mom yells 

"I'll go get her" I volunteer chasing after her

"Tea!" I yell

"down here!" I hear Tea yell from the seller

"there not down here" I point out

"Mabey there up stairs" she says 

"lets go cheak" I say. We go upstairs, No one.

"Mabey they took shelter somwhere else" Tea says hopful

"umm Tea-"

"No dont even say it there not dead!" Tea Protests

"yeah..umm" I whisper

"lets go look around" she says

"Ok" I agree, as we go out the door I look to my right and then my heart stops and I grap Teas black Leather jacket.

"wha-OH MY GOD" she cries,We were looking at what we feared most, Teas father laying there with a bullet in the back of his head, and under him, Teas mother same as her father bullet in the back of her head, theres blood everywhere "NO, NO! PLEASE NO! MOMMY, DADDY, NO" Tea cries running to there boddies "no why, why me why did this happen to me!" she whispers 

"Tea we have to go before they come back" my mother yells over Rosie who was crying

Tea takes a deep breath and says " Yeah lets go" "I love you mom, and dad more than everything" she whispers looking down at them

*Plane vrooming* "COME ON THERE COMING" I yell than all three of us run to the woods, Horris woods. When we got into the woods we didnt stop running untill there was bombs 

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