chapter 1

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I do not own harry potter but I do own the plot of this story.

Silently everyone stood as the headmistress asked. It was our 8th year in hogwarts and we were just about to be shown where we would be staying. Strangely she led us in to hogsmead where she opened the door to a small cottage. Inside there were a few chairs and and a large wooden crucifix in the middle. She told us to grab hold of it and that's when I realised it was a portkey. Suddenly we were in a quite part of London.

"Now students this side of the street has been bought by the ministry to host you this year at hogwarts. Everyday you will apparate to hogsmead and make your way to school. You will live among Muggles as a year long test to see if you can handle regular life without magic." She explained

Everyone was silent for a while to let this information sink in. No magic. For a year. Surprisingly I wasn't too bothered but malfoy had paled...If it was possible for the boy to get any paler. Everyone nodded at the headmistress who then produced all of their luggage leaving them to sort themselves in to houses.

"There must be 2 different houses in one home. Intermingling will allow you to get along better. Now a professor will be here tomorrow morning with your timetables for now unpack." With that she was gone.

A few hours later me mione Ron and nevile where sharing a house. There was still one bedroom free but no one came to claim it. I was sitting downstairs with hermione when there was a sudden pounding on the door. Jumping to my feet I opened it to see pansy and blaise. Behind them a bloody and beaten draco.

"What happened?" I asked letting them in.

Malfoy collapsed on the only sofa. He was unconscious but was muttering something. Ron and nevile came down the stairs to see who had arrived. Rons face turned sour when he saw malfoy.

suddenly malfoy jolted up. Hermione had cast a spell on him. He looked panicked and stood up grabbing my wrist.

"Ginny is in trouble!!" He exclaimed

"What did you do to my sister malfoy?!?!"Ron roared pointing his wand at him

"6 men took her I tried to save her but was out numbered....I didn't have my wand neither did she" he muttered

Suddenly he was pulling me towards the door. I obeyed his tugging and slowly everyone began to follow him. Only Ron hermione and I had our wands since mogonagal(can't spell it) said we shouldn't use magic. We arrived at a dark alley not too far from the houses. It was night now and we only had moonlight for guidance. Suspiciously we crept in to the ally and found a door which nevile opened using one of hermione hair pins. Inside we heard sobbing. A few feet forward we saw a door. Ginny was there tied up and her clothes torn in some places. Ron bolted to her swiftly releasing her. Draco however stooped still. Her seemed to be straining to hear something.

Out of nowhere he sprinted along the corridor and broke down a door. Inside was a girl about 5-6 years old. She looked petrified and abused. Malfoy calmly scooped her up into his arms a strange softness to his face. Only I had followed him and felt stranded seeing this side to the ex death eater. The girl was trembling now clinging to malfoy clothes.

We returned to th group who were waiting outside obviously tense to see if the thugs would return. Swiftly we left and made our way back to the house. Once inside malfoy took the girl to the kitchen washing her hands and face treating scratches that were visible. He then opened the fridge making her a sandwich and gave her a glass of water which she consumed greatfully.

"What happened Ginny are you okay?" Ron asked

"Ye - a I'm fi-ine"

We had broken up a while back when we noticed something not right about our relationship. We agreed to remain friends though and it pained me to see her in such a state.

Malfoy went over to her handing her a cup of hot chocolate. She drank it hesitantly it was unusual for malfoy to be nice. But I believed he had changed. Well I hoped.

"I'm going to head back to school....Ron will you come with me she pleaded

"Of course" they then left

The young girl stumbled into the room the first thing I noticed was her deep black frizzy hair it reminded me of someone. I just couldn't remember who. Then her deep blue eyes almost identical to ones I had seen before I just couldn't place my finger on who. Her skin was uncannily pale....actually she could pass of as a malfoy by her looks alone. She held her self up straight with pride even though we could see how weak tired and distraught she was.

"What's your name?"malfoy asked

"Samantha. And yours fine sir?" She asked

"Draco malfoy. Nice to meet you" they shook hands.

"My name is pansy parkinson."

One by one we introduced ourselves. Her gaze was analysing us as we spoke. Then she curled on malfoy lap, who had once again sat on the sofa, and drifted off to sleep.

"What we gonna bloody do bout her ?" Ron asked returning

"That's not the only thing that needs sorting out we don't have a place to stay" pansy whined

"Everywhere else full" I asked

The 3 slytherins nodded.

"Stay here we have one room free pansy and Samantha can stay there the nevile harry malfoy and blaise can sort the last two rooms between them."hermione suggested."two houses per house remember."

After a while everyone nodded. Blaise ran after nevile not giving a reason as to why he wouldn't share a room with malfoy but malfoy looked like he understood and waved his friend off. That left me and him to share.


Hope you enjoyed plz leave comments

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