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Okay Ik this has nothing to do with anything but I realised today that my school has similar house colours to hogwarts. My house colour is green so I'm a slytherin this girl I really dislike is in the red house so she's Griffindoor and there is blue for ravenclaw and yellow for hufflepuff. I can't believe it!!!!

I don't own harry potter

Hastily the students rushed to hogwarts after aperating in hogsmead. Samantha was currently under the invisibility cloak and under strict instructions to stay near either harry or draco at all times until they could speak to mogonagol

They sat in their seats just as the students started eating. Eagerly they stuffed their faces with the delicious meal and talked to their classmates. Ginny was talking to her friends as if last night's events never transpired.

As students made their way to class the group realised that Samantha was no longer with them. They searched the grand hall and surrounding area for her but we're unable to do so.

"She has to be close by" pansy reasoned

"let's head to potions and search for her afterwards I'm sure she hasn't left the grounds " mione said

Hesitantly the others agreed and headed to potions where they saw the class standing outside whiles someone was crying inside. Harry and draco pushed forward to see Snape with a crying Samantha on his lap failing to calm her down.

"Mummy!daddy!" She squealed in delight upon seeing draco and Harry.

" Sam are you okay? " harry asked as draco carried her

" the mean man shouted at me!"she complained

"Now severous shouting at a child" headmistress mogonagol sighed as she entered the class "now did I hear correctly when this girl referred to you to as..."

"Yes! Draco is my mummy and Harry is my daddy!" She little girls eyes glittered in delight whiles the students burst out laughing

Just as she said this items fell out of her pockets and crashed on to the floor. On the floor now was a potion bubbling beneath their feet. The other students moved away as the light blue smoke surrounded harry draco and Samantha. The three began to cry out in pain as the flesh on their backs tore open and giant wings sprouted free. Their shirts were torn revealing their skin. Harry realised this and threw the invisibility cloak over draco to cover his scared torso.

Harry now had large black crow wings that,when folded, touched the floor. Draco had similar wings except his were white and more angelic. Samantha however had small petite wings with a random of colours.

"Whoa!" Ron exclaimed

"Well it seems Mr. Potter that this will be yet again another eventful year for you" mogonagol sighed

Nevile had tossed them a spare cloak from God knows where so they could cover up. A few moments were spent basking at the beauty and size of their wings until professor mogonagol beckoned them to follow her so professor Snape could begin his class.

Reluctantly the boys and Samantha followed her to her office. Once there they awkwardly stood waiting for their teacher to say something.

"Where did she come from?" She asked

"We found her...." harry smiled

"Daddy just tell her" Samantha whispered. Her eyes were dark as if re-living a memory.

"We found her being abused in a house near to where we live"

"Samantha dear do you know where your parents are?" Mogonagol asked

" I'm an orphan I was left with those men when I was very young I don't remember what my parents look like" Samantha began to cry

Harry lifted her up and began to calm her down. Draco and harry shared a look each understanding the extent of the girls misery.

"Professor we don't have to send her back right?" Draco asked

" I will see what I can do but first we must determine if she is a muggle or wizard" she explained

"If she's muggle the London police force will deal with her but if she is a wizard then the ministry will decide" Draco confirmed

"How can you check?" Harry asked

" that is quite easy the sorting hat has such capabilities" dumbledoor said from his painting

"It does!" Harry exclaimed

"I was unaware the sorting hat could tell us if a student was muggle or wizard" draco chimed

The professor bought the hat down from its shelf and delicately placed it on Samantha head. The child cowered from the talking hat as it mumbled with interest as it decided what she was.

"This girl is defiantly a wizard she will be a strong one too but her house is undecided it is a combination slytherin and gryfindoor" the hat decided

"I will inform the ministry of the child until they reply you two shall care for her. Am I understood?"

"Yes professor"

"Good. She will remain with either of you at all times even during lessons. Now let's deal with the second problem

The boys glanced back at their oversized wings unsure of how they could fix the problem.

"I will have professor Snape find a remedy....but until then you boys will have to try and cope."

Nodding the boys left the office and returned to their potions class. Everyone was silent as they entered and took the two seats at the back of the room. Slytherin students began muttering snide comments in their direction whiles the gryfindoors were concerned for their friend.

Snape who was still a touch tired and recuperating from his injuries many months ago did not reprimand the low muttering in the class but instead closed his book and left the class. Silence filled the room again as the students watched their teacher leave the room his robes swaying behind him.

" that was rude" a slytherin mumbled

Suddenly their was an outbreak of noise as the two sides of the room began to fight. Hermione sighed fed up with all the childish behaviour.

Harry and draco however began to panic as Samantha fainted in Harry's arms. Slowly he raised his eyes to mione who instantly understood. She dashed to harry taking Samantha from his arms as he and draco collapsed.

"Samantha! Wake up!" Mione exclaimed gently shaking the girl.

Pansy got up and checked the boys for a pulse sighing in relief when she found one. The room quietly watched as the small group of slytherins and gryfindoors worked together. Ron and blaise had left to get madame pomfrey and Nevile helped to get the boys to lay on their backs.

Once they returned blaise carried draco and Ron carried harry on their backs taking them to the infirmary and Hermione took Samantha. It was awkward carrying them with their wings which added a considerable amount of weight to them. By the time blaise and Ron arrived the two were panting from exhaustion.

They were shooed away almost instantly and told to return to class. The group separated to go their individual second lessons. All concerned about their friends.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2016 ⏰

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