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I was at McDonalds when I saw Andrew. He was my highschool sweet heart. I know we all have those. We notice each other. We haven't seen each other in a long time so I was kinda nervous. He walked over to me and asked."Do I know you." I quickly answered,um...... I think so. I felt so stupid. There was a guy right in front of me who I clearly like just flouted away like that. He told we dated in highschool. As my stupid butt would say," Did we I mean I don't know. And from then on I felt a spark, but like the sparks you feel when you like someone. We went on a couple of dates and its ok. He finally asked me why were you looking at me in that weird way at the movies. I told him I remembered that he was in my class but oh well.

I know you liked it but sorry to say


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