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So, here it is!
(I would say this is the first chapter, but it's technically the prologue!)

Please COMMENT and let me know what you guys think when you've finished reading this prologue! I've never written a Larry fanfic and I really, really want to know if this is okay! So please let me know🙏🙈😬

Thank you!! Love you all!!

Louis -

The quiet scribbling sounds fill the otherwise silent room. I look up from the book I've been reading to see Harry still looking down at the journal he's writing in.

He writes as slowly as he used to speak. As if every word that comes out is unique and deserves a moment to be admired. I always did when it was him who spoke or wrote them.

But now all I get from him is his silence. He doesn't talk to me, and he never lets me see what he's written in that old journal. I've tried the whole looking over his shoulder thing, only to have him snatch the journal away and go to another room to write in it.

For two years this is what we have had.

The day it all changed was the day that Harry came running up to me in the hallway at school. It was the last day of high school, how could I ever forget?

We were ready to graduate and be together forever no matter what. It was supposed to be the beginning for us.

But when Harry ran up to me as I came out of my last class for the day, he was sobbing hysterically and unable to utter a single word, I knew something had ended.

It was the end of hearing Harry's voice, the end of his smile, the end of his innocence.

He'd passed out there in my arms, in the middle of the school hallway. And it was hours later, after me sitting in the hospital waiting room not knowing at all what had happened, that a doctor finally came to me and explained what was wrong with him.

When Harry and I first started dating, we were made fun of, but Harry was nearly tortured by everyone. He was the one who always had it worse than me when it came to bullying. I'd never understood why though, you couldn't meet a better person than Harry.

But all through high school he'd put up with it. I didn't know it was as bad as it had been, as I later found out.

He'd been threatened by several boys at our school, that if he continued to see me that something terrible would happen. Harry ignored them, and they never did carry through with their threats. Until the last day of school.

Harry was pulled from the hallway, and dragged into the boy's bathroom by several of boy bullies that had been beating and threatening him for the last three years.

Horrible, unspeakable things were done to my Harry by those horrible boys. And I wasn't there to protect him.

When the doctor told me what had happened, I wanted to die. I'd failed Harry. I'd let that happen. If I had only protected him better, it would have never happened. It was my fault.

It's my fault that Harry now sits in front of me, not speaking.

The doctor said that there is no reason that Harry doesn't speak other than that he chooses not to. He has not uttered a single word since that last day of school. Not one word.

Harry looks up from his writing and catches me staring at him. He furrows his eyebrows together as his way of asking "what?"

"Nothing. It's just...I miss you." I tell him, feeling my throat almost close up and distorting my voice. Luckily the sentence was just short enough my voice didn't crack.

His face returns to its blank expression and he goes back to his writing.

I do miss him. I miss us. I miss the way we used to be.

But I'm lucky to still have him here with me. He didn't leave me, if anything he became more clingy than he had been. Which I was grateful for. It meant that it was that much more easy for me to always be by his side to protect him.

Since that day, it's extremely rare that Harry is not by my side. Which means that when I went to college, Harry came too. He's not studying anything, but he sits by me in all my classes so he's not alone. So he's protected by me.

Anyone who so much as looks at Harry in a weird way gets beaten. No one, and I mean NO ONE makes Harry feel uncomfortable. I don't let that happen. I'd do, and have done, anything to make sure he feels safe and loved.

I finally look back down at my book and hear Harry's stomach growl. He looks up at me, the same time I look up at him.

"Guess that's lunch, huh?" I ask, smiling. But I don't get one in return. Only a nod and the sound of the journal closing.

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