Remember Me !!

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Many years had passed. My throat doesn't bother me anymore when a human is beside or even close to me. When I became like this, I know NOTHING. Nothing that I could remember about my human life. All I know is that there was fire, fire all over the place. Many things burned as my throat burned when I woke up 3 days after that.

Camilla Emerald Collins, they said my name is. They gave us our data, they always helped me because I know nothing and also we even hadn't met before. I got tired of killing people, knowing they wouldn't cost much on me. Now, I'll be living on my own, I've been with other nomads, we got along a bit and they're going to leave me.

I stayed in Alaska for the past 3 years, now I am moving back to Forks, Washington. Well, not really. I just passed through Forks and La Push like 2 decades ago ? But its fine for me, no one noticed me, so I can go back earlier than expected.

I bought a house, playing it was a gift from my grandmother. It's close to the road to La Push so, the shape-shifters can come by without permission.

Classes will start on Monday, and it's still Saturday. I am going to Port Angeles this evening.A bit of last minute shopping would do. FOOD shopping. I think I can't buy clothes anymore, they won't fit to my “human eyes”closet which is a quarter of my walk-in closet. Sometimes I buy the same thing but not the same color. I love high heels, booties, wedges and flats. In short, I love shoes. I buy shoes from everywhere. Whenever I stay in a place, or I passed a great department store, I buy often.

In food shopping, I'll buy fruits out of boredom. I can eat human food without any complaints either. We were trained so hard with human food, well we pros don't need to hunt blood that much, we can resist more.

I went to Port Angeles, and did a change in my plans. I don’t want to shop clothes so I bought some books and read in a 24hour cafe. Of course I bought some coffee, to be normal. I didn't noticed its already afternoon, so I told the owner that I'll come back tomorrow morning. Surprisingly, we feel like we're friends. She isn't cold to me, lovely I say, but middle aged. I sighed. I went back to my Audi R8 Spyder, my lovely,amazing, full boost, worthy car ! Acquired it last year !

Oh well, I decided to hunt that afternoon. Hunt ANIMALS not humans, saw this thing on a blonde haired man like few years ago with his family. When I walked to the forest, yes I walked to pass time, I heard someone call my name. I searched a bit of it/him/her I hummed “Cello Sonata No.3 in A Major by Ludwig van Beethoven”Cause it's calming me. A little bit of sniffing, I found him at last. Well he found me. He looked so shocked to see me and I am annoyed at him. Then someone honked their horn at me. Then the guy just disappeared, weird isn't he ?

The one who's driving is Harry Clearwater. Geez, he's with a friend of mine, Billy Black.

“Hey !” I waved at them.

“Whatcha doin' down here?” asked Harry, as if he doesn't know.

“Trying to hunt, but I can't” I grinned they laughed.

“Trying to get into La Push right?”teased Billy.

“Haha Billy, I could come whenever I want ! I'm not part of that Treaty-Cullen thing”Yeah, It's true, I can go in or out in La Push Border.

“Where did you come from ?” I curiously asked.

“Guess where” They both ordered. My jaw dropped a bit in here ! Fine. I sniffed Billy, he doesn't smell disgusting but I smelled fishes and water. It's obvious isn't it? “Fishing”I simply stated.

“AGAIN”they corrected me then drove away. Those old gits.

Billy POV

The Mariners are playing tonight and Harry is a slow driver.

Remember Me !!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon