Green Eyed Monster

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He wanted to tell them Tony was taken. He wanted to tell them to stop flirting with Tony. But he couldn't.

When Steve and Tony arrived at the charity event everyone assumed Steve Rogers was just some eye candy Tony decided to take to the event for appearance sake.

Steve clutched at the dog tags Tony had given him.

Steve and Tony one side read. Forever with a heart on the other side.

Steve sighed. If he knew he was going to be insanely jealous the whole time he wouldn't of come.

"Babe." Tony kissed Steve's ear lobe.

Steve smiled. "Are you done making your rounds?"

"A couple more people to say hi to." Tony took a sip of his champange. "Sure you dont want to come?"

Steve shook his head. He never knew how to socialize at functions like these and didnt really want to embaress Tony. "You go, i'll wait here."

Tony squezeed his hand before leaving, heading towards a group of young women.

Steve watched as the women very openly flirted with him, each doing something a little gustier than the other. Laughing wildly, holding their hand on his arm a little too long.

After about another hour Steve was ready to leave and by the looks of it so was Tony.

Steve looked to see one of the women from earlier stand a little too close to Tony. Steve huffed, he wasnt going to say anything. His boyfriend was Tony Stark for christs sake he was going to have to get used to it eventually. He peeked a glance once more to see the women kissing Tony on the cheek. He lost it.

Steve stormed out he needed air he needed to breathe. Steve ran his fingers through his hair, he shouldnt be this freaking jealous. He should be fine he shouldnt want to go over there and punch the women in the throat cause she pecked Tony on the cheek. He shouldnt want to go over there and leave marks on Tonys neck so everyone knew he was his and his alone. He shouldnt want to any of those things, but he did.

Tony looked around. Where'd Steve go?

He picked up his phone. "Jarvis get the car."

"Yes sir."

Tony walked outside to see Steve sitting on one of the benches his hands covering his face.

"Steve lets go cars here."

Steve did as he was told.

The car ride home was silent. It wasnt until they were in Tonys room that either of them said anything.

"That women was in charge of the event." Tony said taking off his tie. "She was pretty."

Steves fist clenched at the statement.

"So was the redhead," Tony continued on. "She had these gorgeous green eyes and her li-"

Steve slammed Tony against the wall, pinning his arms up. "You are mine." Steve growled.

Tony, totally unphased, continued his description of the women. "She had these full lips and the lipst-"

Steve cut him off with a kiss. "Shut up Tony." It was meant to be playful but instead came out a low growl.

Tony smirked. "But her lips had this beau-"

Steve bit Tonys bottom lip drawing blood. Tony cried out in pain.

"Jeez Rogers, you had to bite me?"

"Do. Not." Steve growled, biting Tonys neck, leaving hickeys everywhere. "Ever. Talk." He pinched Tonys nipples through his shirt. "About another women again. Do I make myself clear Stark?"

Tony smirked he had no clue what had gotten into Steve but he liked it. "Yes Sir."

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