Troubled Waters: An Arthur and Gwen One Shot

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It was a dark night, the moon hidden behind the thick clouds the smell of rain hanging in the air. Morgana, clad in her red cloak, took a quick look behind her to make sure she was not being followed. With the crunching of leaves, she entered the forest. The beasts of the wood scampered around her as she slowly made her way to the boulder where she was to meet with Morgause. The two women have been meeting in secret at least twice a month. Some meetings are just to talk and share information while some, such as the upcoming meeting, are meant to plot against King Uther and Morgana's new enemy, Guinevere.

The boulder came into view, a tall shadowy figure standing next to it. Morgause took off her hood and said, "I was worried you would not show."

"My apologies. I had some trouble getting out of Camelot." Morgana took another look behind her. "I do not think anyone followed me."

"If anyone did follow you, rest assured they will not live for very long." An evil glint crossed her eyes as she recited the words and vanished immediately after. "Come, let us talk behind the boulder." Morgana followed Morgause behind the large rock.

"It is wonderful to see you again." Morgana embraced Morgause.

"The feeling is mutual, but let us now talk of more important matters." Morgana nodded motioning her companion to continue talking. "Our first attempt to dispose of Guinevere has failed, no thanks to that old bearded fool. Are you willing to make another attempt at her life?"

"As long as she remains alive, she will be a threat to us. " Morgause smiled, pleased with her answer and unveiled her second plan to be rid of the servant.

King Uther studied his ward. Morgana had just told him that she would like to go on a boat ride with Guinevere to get some fresh air. "I have been in the castle much too long and the weather is absolutely gorgeous. Also, it will allow the two of us some time together, you know how we are good friends."

Uther looked at Gaius, Merlin standing right next to the old physician. "What do you think?"

Gaius glanced briefly at Morgana before responding. "She seems well enough." The King nodded and returned his attention back to Morgana. Merlin did not like the idea of Guinevere spending time with Morgana in a boat shooting Gaius a concerned look.

"Morgana, just be careful. I will have several guards escorting you." Morgana curtsied and relayed her thanks before leaving the throne room. Gaius and Merlin took their leave as well-Merlin going to search for Guinevere. He found her carrying a basket heading to the washroom.

"Gwen!" Merlin ran up to her out of breath.

"Merlin, what is it?" She asked, startled.

"It's Morgana," he lowered his voice to a whisper, "she is plotting something against you again."

Gwen's face became hard, "How do you know this?"

"I was in the throne room when she went to talk to Uther. She is taking you boating this afternoon."


"Yes. I do not..."

"There you are! I have been looking all over for you." Prince Arthur's voice boomed through the hallway. When he saw Gwen he softened, looking a bit foolish for yelling in front of her. "Guinevere..."

Gwen curtsied. "Your highness." Her eyes revealed all her love for Arthur in a quick glance.

Arthur failed trying to hide his smile. "What are you two discussing?"

Merlin wanted to blurt out the truth, but held his tongue knowing that Arthur still would not believe that Morgana is "evil." "Nothing really." Gwen said, breaking the awkward silence.

Troubled Waters: An Arthur and Gwen One ShotWhere stories live. Discover now