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I swear to god that was Brandon. I swear. I saw him two days ago at the prison. Anyway today is my day to get out and get back on my feet. "Well Y/L/N hope you learned your lesson. I don't want see you again here" Officer Jonas says. I nod and hand him the jumpsuit. 6 years in jail is tough. But it teaches you a lot. Now I have to restart everything. My life,my family. Everything.

I walk outside and sit on the curb and think about what can I do to get back on my feet. I don't have any money. I don't even have a phone to call anyone. I look back at the prison sign. Joliet Correctional Center. I sigh and start walking down the street. I walk until I could find the nearest pay phone. Wait. I don't even have money. I look around and find 50 cents on the ground and I put it inside of the phone. I call Lauren and see if she answered.


Omg hey Lauren its-

Whoever this Its not funny to prank call

What-No Laur its Y/N

No Y/N is in jail. And who is this and how do you know him and my number

Lauren its Y/N. You know Ralph and Y/N/N

Ok. So if it is Y/N. Hi and first off don't call me. Camila told me what you did. And I Moved back to Miami. Bye

I slam the phone back on the hook and go sit on the bench. What can I do to get quick cash. Street Dancing..No. Street Drumming..Maybe. That's it! Street Music. I pick up to tree branches and take the leaves off of them. Now I just have to find a bucket.

After hours of looking around for one bucket, I finally found one. Since I'm in Chicago, I sit down and start.

Brandon's POV


"Hello" I whisper in the dark room. I hear glass shatter and yelling. A dim light turns on and I see Camila and Dad screaming at each other. "GOD YOU CANT DO ANYTHING RIGHT" She yells and hits him in the face. He falls to the ground clutching his cheek. She looked like she was about to hit him again. "NO STOP" I yell running towards her. I run right through and the light turns off. Hear a click behind me and I snap around. I see him standing there smiling. I start running towards him, only to be met with a invisible wall. "I'm sorry" He says and Officer Clifford handcuff him and slams him to the ground. I bang on the wall and try to get him to stop but he couldn't hear me. Then I hear a scream behind me. It was dad getting beat up. I run over to them and push them off. "What are you going to do..punk. You're a little boy. You can't do anything to save him" One guy said kicking him in the stomach

I quickly sit up with cold sweat. That dream was all a fake. At least I hope. Although I lost all contact with him, I can still get to him. I look over at my alarm clock. 4:37 am. I sigh and go over to my drawer and pull out my notebook and pencils. I turn on my desk lamp and pull my phone off the charger. I lock the door and sigh. How am I going to get to him. I need to find out the basics. Where did he live

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