Truth. For Daniel, a great youtuber, a great friend.

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Now listen up Dan, wherever you are...
I don't wish to be rude, but I wasn't a complete fan.
I didn't know all that much about you...
That's the truth.

We didn't want you to go
But someone up there decided so.
You were gone with a POOF :3!!
But this was no magicians trick.
That's the truth.

You were a great hilarious man,
Refusing to pick up your wallet. [1]

No phone booth[2] can take us to where you are now Dan,
For it's too high above the atmosphere.
That is the truth.

What we do know Dan,
Is that we love you, and will forever miss you.
Now you go on to that after life, holding no regrets.
(Hopefully you will listen to this narrator [3] :3)

So as we watch you go,
Give us that smile, yeah?

Goodbye Dan, for now I'm a fan.
We love you and miss you, for that's the truth.

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