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[Cher's POV]

"And then..." Lee couldn't stop laughing so he couldn't even finish his own joke, "He..."

"I'm sure the joke was very funny, Lee." Harper told her husband, smiling widely. Harper and Lee were great together. Harper was better off without Marshall, and look at them now. They've been married for three years, and she had her own child.

The whole gang--Simmie, Ryan, Harper, Lee, May, Coltrane, Jasper and I--had been busy and hadn't seen each other in a while. So, we were having dinner together at TGI Friday's, with Carmen and Anna babysitting the kids. We stayed in each other's lives, but not as much as back in high school.

"Well, you know what's funnier? Today my daughter kissed three boys," Simmie said, looking disgusted.

"That's my girl!" Ryan said. I was surprised they stayed together. After going to seperate colleges and having a long distance relationship for four years, they managed to move in together after college, get married, and have one daughter.

"It's not something to be happy about!" Harper snapped.

"I think it's cute. All the boys are going to have crushes on her when she's older," May said and Coltrane laughed. They were an adorable couple. They had been married for eleven years, since high school. They had two kids, both boys. They were the first of us to have kids. I wouldn't want kids so young as 21, though.

As for Jasper and I, we were doing amazingly. We went to college together, and we both knew we didn't want to get married so quickly, like everyone else. I didn't get married until I was twenty six, unlike May who got married at 18. Jasper proposed when we were 24, but used the two year-engagement we had to travel to Brazil, France, and England, and had a few of our friends' weddings along the way. Then, when we were both 26, we got married. And now, we had news to share, that only Jasper, Harper, and I knew.

"Everyone," Jasper stood up, and I stood next to him, "We have some news,"

I smiled widely, and Jasper clenched my hand tightly.

"I'm pregnant!" I squealed, and everyone smiled and clapped.

"I knew it!" Simmie squealed and grabbed me for a tight hug, "How long have you known?"

"12 weeks,'' I muttered, feeling as if I waited to long to tell everyone, "And how did you know?"

"I had my hunches,'' Simmie said and I smiled.

"Congratulations, Cher! Welcome to the club," May hugged me and I smiled.

"Thank you," I said.

"Wow, that's amazing! Now you and Jasper are going to have mini Jaspers and mini Chers," Lee said. I smirked, he was such a dork, but perfect for Harper.

"Nice going, Jacey," Coltrane nudged Jasper with his elbow.

"Thanks, man," Jasper said and swung his arm around me.

I smiled even wider now, if that was possible.

"Congrats, you guys," Ryan said and hugged me.

"Thanks, Ryan," I said and smiled.

It was all smiles today. It seemed like everything was perfect.

"Jasper?" a voice all eight of us recognized.

Everyone froze. Jasper looked at me, wondering what he should do. I shrugged, not knowing what to do either.

"Do something," Harper whispered in my ear.

I sighed, and walked up to her.

"Jessica, how have you been?"

"It's been so long, Nerd Girl," Jessica said.

I rolled my eyes, and felt everyone else get tense around me.

Jessica tilted her head. "Just kidding!"

Everyone laughed awkwardly, except Jasper, who managed to get a small, fake smile.

Jessica actually looked amazing. She was glowing, and looked very happy. The first thing I noticed, however, was a large belly she had.

"How long has it been?" Jessica asked me. Everyone knew exactly what she was talking about. I remembered seeing Jasper and Harper in the hospital. I remembered waiting to see if they made it alive.

"A while," I said, feeling all the emotions that came to me a decade ago come back.

Suddenly, Jessica had a sad expression on her face. "I'm sorry,"


"You heard me,"

I stared at her. Her eyes filled with sorrow, her voice full of guilt. I never really forgave her. After prom I never talked to her again. I wasn't rude or anything, I just didn't deal with her, and neither did May, Coltrane, Simmie, Ryan, Harper, Lee, or Jasper.

I never considered forgiving her. Never, not once in my life did I even think about ever speaking to her again. It's not like I spoke to her much, anyway. I'm sure Jasper and Harper hated her for eternity, but I needed to be the bigger person.

"It's ok," I said.

Jessica smiled at me, and hugged me.

My eyes bulged open as her arms swung around me, and I saw Jasper getting ready for battle, but I gave him a death stare and awkwardly hugged Jessica back.

After that, Jessica and I talked about our lives. It turns out Jessica had a husband of four years named Carter. She had already had a daughter named Christina, which she showed me a picture of. She was beautiful. And now she was pregnant again, and she lived here in Port Serenita.

I felt relieved after making up with Jessica. That hatred for her ran through me for ten years and it affected my personality and how I acted around my friends, and most importantly, my husband. Plus, I never liked being in fights.

So, later that night, everyone said goodbye and went on with their lives. We were going on vacation to Disneyland next weekend with the kids, all four of them.


Jasper carried me into the house and we plopped onto the couch, talking about random things since we were both so tired.

"I am so exhausted," I muttered, curling my arms around Jasper's neck and lying my head on his chest. I used my feet to take off each of my heels, and dropped them to the floor.

"Don't go to bed yet. I have a surprise for you," Jasper told me and I smiled.


"No, later,"

"Good, because I like talking to you," I said, and just stayed there in Jasper's arms, my favorite place on earth.

"When do we find out if our little bundle of joy is a boy or a girl?" Jasper asked me, and I smirked. He always called the baby "our little bundle of joy".

"We're doing the appointment when I'm at 20 weeks," I said, "So, eight more weeks to go,"

Jasper sighed. "I can't wait two more months!"

"Don't worry. I'm sure that either way we will love the baby," I said. And that was true. I wanted a girl, but either way, I would love the baby with all my heart.

" Babe,"

I smirked. "Yeah?"

"I wanna show you the surprise," Jasper said, and stood up from our cuddling position.

"Hey! I wasn't done cuddling with you!" I yelled at him, and he blew at kiss at me.

I rolled my eyes and wondered how I got such a dorky, amazing husband. I waited around for a while, until Jasper came back with a doll.

"What is that?''

"The doll. From the project, remember?" Jasper said.

My mouth dropped. "You kept it?"

Jasper nodded. "Annabel Olivia. if we have a girl.."

"We'll name her Annabel Olivia," I told him.

Jasper smiled, put the doll aside, and kissed me. "I love you,"

"I love you too," I said.

The End :')

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