Chapter one

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  Sebastian and I were in late from one of the queen's silly assignments, and I was eating my late night cake--chocolate layer tonight--at my desk with Sebastian by my side.
  With half my cake left, I stood up and said, "I'm going to bed." Sebastian moved to follow me, but I held up my hand to stop him. "I can prepare myself for bed on my own tonight."
  "Alright, milord," he said, a small, proud smile forming at his lips.
He probably thought I was becoming an independent young man, but he couldn't have been more wrong: I was dependent on my silver friend.
  I went into my room and closed the door lightly not bothering to light a candle. I strode across my room in darkness and rummaged through my drawers to get some pajamas while also grabbing the blade that was tucked in the bottom corner of the top drawer.
  I pulled off the day's clothes and tossed them toward my door for Sebastian to pick up. I looked at myself in the moonlight. I examined old cuts and scars on my legs, stomach, wrists, chest--there wasn't an unmarked place on my body--and planned the blade's next destination.
  About an inch above my navel would be a good place to cut; it was where I had the most fat. More fat meant more blood could pour from me. More fat meant a deeper slice.
  I placed the blade firmly against my abdomen and closed my eyes, lifting my face toward the ceiling I slid the blade across my flesh. I silently cherished the familiar burning and placed the blade above the first cut and sliced again. There were a few small beads of blood coming from the two new wounds.
  I wanted more blood.
  I quickly slashed my skin four more times and waited for the blood to surface. As it did, I watched it pour out of me. Right then, I knew I was alive. I could feel pain. I had blood. I was not just the queen's guard dog, I was human.
  After about fifteen minutes the blood stopped flowing, and I placed my blade back in it's hiding place. I grabbed a wet cloth from the bathroom and began to clean the dried blood off my stomach and put on my white night shirt, making sure I was no longer bleeding to avoid getting blood on my crisp white shirt. Such a pure color.
  I splashed some cool water on my face before crawling into bed. Curled up in a tight ball, I let a few hot, miserable tears fall before falling asleep hoping, as usual, that I wouldn't wake up.

Sebastian's Point of View
  I knew my master was hurting. I could feel it, it had been feeling like this for some time now, but when I checked on him he had already fallen asleep.

A/N: sorry it's a bit short, and I still haven't completed Icy Sadness. I have more written for both and will be posting a lot of it soon. Sorry this sucks, but I had to start somewhere. Thank you so much.

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