Chapter Two

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I yawned as I took the last steak off of the pan and moved it onto a plate. I covered the two plates with foil and placed them in the fridge for later. I looked at my watch. It was almost eleven o’clock at night. I don’t usually stay up this late cooking, but Nate was coming home in an hour or two and I know how hungry he gets after flights. I guess this has become a sort of tradition, I cook dinner, he comes home after being away from a few days and we just sit up late eating and talking.

I took the apple juice out of the fridge and placed it on the bench as I searched for a glass to put it in. I gasped out of fright when I heard a low humming noise almost masked by an indescribable tune. I turned around and realized it was coming from the small monitor which was connected to the security camera out the front. The monitor was going crazy to. The screen was fuzzy and the picture seemed to picture split at some point.

“God damn.” I said assuming there must be some sort of interference or fault with the camera or monitor. I switched off the monitor and the sound stopped.

I turned my head facing the hall as I heard three loud knocks. I made my way to the front door and peeped threw the curtains, but I couldn’t see anyone. I turned on the porch light and opened the door. Still no one. “Morons.” I said assuming it was a few stupid teenagers pranking me. I closed the door and walked back inside.

I collapsed down on the sofa in exhaustion. I closed my eyes hoping to get at least half an hours sleep before Nate got back. I was almost asleep when I was jolted right awake by a strange sounds. It was similar to the sound I had heard from the monitor. Perhaps it was the monitor. I got up and headed to the kitchen. I was half way there when I realized I had turned it off. I decided to check it anyway. Nope. The monitor was off. Well then where was the sound coming from?

Threw the sound of the low hum and crazy sound, I heard a small moan, which was familiar. Threw the distorted sound it took a moment for me to realize what it was.

“Danny.” I mumbled. That’s when I realized it must have been the baby monitor. I picked it up from the dinning room table and switched it off after failure to stop the interference. I walked into the hall making my way upstairs to check on Danny. I stopped in my tracks and froze in the hallway for a moment. I listened closely to make sure I wasn’t imagining things. And to my disappointment I wasn’t. I heard that same I had on the tapes, both monitors, only this time it was quieter, with a whisper of words to go with it. It was to quick for me to figure out. Frozen in fear I stood in the hallway. The distorted whispers had stopped but only to be replaced by the ear piercing shriek of Danny a few moments later. I snapped out of my trance and sped up stairs bursting into the nursery. I pulled Danny out of the crib and looked around the room. No one was here. I hurried down the hall with him in my arms and proceeded into my bedroom locking the door behind me.

“Shh, it’s alright.” I reassured Danny as he continued to cry. I pulled my cell phone out of my pocket and dialled Nate’s number.

“Hey baby.” he answered.

“I think someone’s in the house.” I said with a panicked and shaken voice.

“Wait what?”

“I…I don’t know, I heard something, but…” I couldn’t even describe it. I heard someone, I heard a voice, but I heard the distortion and I’m almost positive there was no other electronic device that could have been making it at the time.

“Just stay in the bedroom with the door locked, I’m ten minutes away.”


Once Nate was home he checked every room in the house and found nothing. No sign of anyone or anything. And if there was someone in the house they’re long gone by now.

He tried reassuring me it was just a T.V or something or my imagination. I agreed with him just to put this behind me and not get scared, but I didn’t believe it. I know for a fact there were no TVs’ on, and both monitors which had been messing up had been switched off. I’ve never heard Danny cry like that before to, he sounded so scared, petrified more like it. And I know I heard a voice….I know it.

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